Love Is All That We Know

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AN: This chapter is dedicated to LoveIsFutile for being a great friend and always reminding me to update my stories (even though I can't because I'm so fucking busy). I hope you guys all enjoyed this story!

Song: Technicolor by SAINTE

7 Years Later...


"Thank you Pennsylvania!" Asher screamed into the microphone. The massive crowd roared back at us. I swear every tour we did, more and more people came out and it always amazed me. Thanks to my parents, we had been noticed by Roadrunner Records during our first tour on which we opened for an Into The Dark/Motionless In White co-headliner after self releasing an EP. That lead to a full length album and massive support from the ITD and MIW fans. We were now on a huge headlining tour that was bigger than any of us could have ever imagined. I had always dreamed about playing shows this size, but I never thought it would actually happen. I had always emulated my parents, but I didn't actually think I would succeed as much as them. Yet, there I was, standing in front of almost 5,000 in my hometown with my guitar around my neck.

The best part about playing in Pennsylvania was that Elliott was there to greet me when I got off stage. He had gotten an amazing football scholarship for college and then after graduation he was drafted by the Philadelphia, Eagles. People still gave him weird looks whenever he attended one of our shows and the girlfriend and wives of the rest of his football team weren't exactly accepting of me, but we had each other and that was all that mattered.

After taking in the crowd one last time, I turned to exit the stage, but before I could even take one step, someone clasped over my eyes. Confusion set it in. "Before we go, though, we have a special event," Asher announced. When the hands over my eyes had been removed, the rest of the band had left the stage. I turned around to see Elliott smiling down at me. Someone had given him a microphone. My brow furrowed in even more confusion as he took my hand to the middle of the stage.

"Babe, I need to ask you something," Elliott announced into the microphone. All I could think about was how weird it was for him to be on stage.

"Um, ok," I answered dumbly. What the fuck was going? I was so puzzled about what was going on that I barely noticed that he was getting down on one knee. My hands immediately went to cover my mouth to suppress my gasp as he pulled a velvet ring box out of his pocket and flipped open the lid.

"Cameron, will you marry me?" he asked, looking up at me with hopeful eyes. The ring was beautiful even though I would have said yes if he proposed with a ring pop. I could feel tears coming to my eyes as I gave a fierce nod and he stood up and pulled me into a tight hug. This, these arms, this man, was my forever. He was one of the most amazing people I had ever met and now I got to spend the rest of my life by his side. I could imagine things any different. I loved him with all my heart.

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