A Fatal Kiss

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AN: This chapter is dedicated to drop-dexd for the lovely comment she left on the last chapter.

Song: Last First Kiss by The Summer Set


"So, Into The Dark, is that the band your dad is in?" Elliott questioned, reading my shirt. We had both been silent for the first few minutes of the drive. To be honest, I was tot nervous to really think of anything to say.

"No, my mom. My dad's in Motionless In White," I explained. Most people were very surprised that both my parents were musicians. They always asked how they toured with kids and dumb stuff like that.

"I didn't know your mom was in a band, too," he told me. I had only mentioned my dad to Elliott because Luke had brought it up around him. I usually would have kept it to myself, afraid that he would think it was weird or something.

"Yeah, she plays drums. That's how the met," I added. I couldn't imagine my mom opening up to anyone let alone my dad. She was just always so quiet. I guess I should be grateful she did, though.

"Where's your mom from?" he asked. He had obviously noticed my mom's accent. It had been a lot stronger when I was young. I guess being in America so long was causing it deteriorate, but I couldn't imagine my mom without her sweet accent.

"Australia," I answered. Her accent had always grabbed everyone's attention. It wasn't something you heard everyday in Scranton, Pennsylvania.

"That's so cool. Have you ever been there?" he responded. I had always wanted to go see where my mom was born. I knew that the place held bad memories for my mother, but I knew it was a beautiful country.

"Nope. We don't have any family there anymore, so there's really no reason," I replied. I didn't want to add that unless it was for a tour, we really couldn't afford to just go to Australia for no reason. It wasn't that my parents didn't make money from the band. They actually made more than most people would think, but there were more important things to worry about than vacations. Usually Motionless In White and Into The Dark's summer tours served as our vacations, which was fine with me.

"I went a few years ago. It's really nice. You should go one day," he told me with a smile. I had obviously been right before when I had thought that he lived in a mansion. I mean, not everyone can afford a few thousand dollars to sit on an airplane all day. My mom said that when she came here, her aunt had paid as much as she could for the airfare, but she had worked as a waitress to save up money to help out. Then she said the flight too almost twenty two hours.

"Yeah," was all I said. I really didn't know what else to say. I would go one day. Maybe one of the summer tours my parents took us on would be there.

"So, do your parents tour a lot?" he inquired, glancing over at me. I could only imagine the office jobs his parents had. His mom probably didn't even work because his dad made so much money. My family and parents' jobs must seem ridiculous to him.

"Not as much as they did when I was younger. They did a co-headliner this summer so we could all be together and my mom is leaving in a few weeks and when she gets back my dad leaves," I explained. Now that Matt and I were older and had to attend school, Mom and Dad took turns touring so one of them was home with us and the other was off playing shows. It kind of sucked, but I had gotten used to it by now.

"You get to tour with them?" he asked, sounding surprised. Touring with my parents was one of my favorite things. I hoped one day that Generation Lost got a chance to tour like my parents. I had already made connections with people like Kevin Lyman, who ran Warped Tour, just in case one day we got signed.

"Yeah. Matt and I always go with them during the summer and if we have long weekends and spring break we always go," I explained. The times we spent on tour during short breaks were never as fun as summer because I hated to leave after only a few days.

I hadn't realized it, but we had pulled up to an Italian restaurant. "Is this ok? My dad said that one of his new coworkers really likes it here." Elliott told me as we climbed out of the car. Italian food was my favorite, so I was all for this restaurant even though I had never been there before.

"Yeah. I love Italian food," I responded.We were silent as we walked into the building until I figured I should ask about his parents since he asked about mine. "So, what does your dad do?" I asked as we waited for someone to come over and seat us.

"He's a lawyer," he answered just as the waitress came over to us and showed us to a booth. I couldn't help but think how different than mine his life sounded. It made me wonder yet again why Elliott was interested in me.

"How about your mom?" I questioned, picking up my menu. I had become a vegetarian not too long ago, so I began scanning my chooses and ruling out the ones with meat. Thankfully, there were a lot. That was why I loved Italian food: you could always just get spaghetti when all else failed.

"She doesn't work," he responded, confirming my earlier thoughts. If they could afford for his mom to just stay home all day, they must be pretty damn rich.

Despite my nerves, we found something to talk about all through dinner. I asked him about football since he never actually told me about it. I learned that he was the quarterback. He said he had lucked out because the quarterback on our school's football team last year had been a senior, so he was put in first string because he was better than the backups. He asked me more about the band. He seemed genuinely surprised that we played heavy music. I guess he didn't know what kind of music Motionless In White and Into The Dark played. Soon my anxiety about the date faded away and I actually opened up a lot more than I usually would. The drive back to my house was even filled with our chatter. The whole time I couldn't stop smiling. No matter what Luke said about him not being someone I should go out with, he made me happy.

All too soon, we pulled up to my house. He turned off his car and we got out. I thought it was so sweet that he was walking me to the door. When we reached my front door, I could feel the butterflies return to my stomach. What if he kissed me? I mean, I was totally fine with that, but what if I was a terrible kisser? What if he was a terrible kisser and I had to live with the fact that such an awesome guy was a terrible kisser? What if he didn't kiss me? That would mean he had a horrible time, right?

"I had a lot fun tonight. Thanks," I told him with a soft smile after a few moments of silence. I figured he would have made his move by now, so I turned to knock on the door. Before my fist could come in contact with the door, he leaned down, his eyes fluttering close. My palms grew sweaty instantly as his lips collided with mine. My eyes immediately closed. Well, I didn't have to worry about him being a bad kisser because he was way better than Asher. The kiss we were sharing was honest the best one I had ever had. All too soon, he was pulling away from me with a huge grin on his face. I could feel the sides of mouth twitching up into a smile as well.

"I'll, uh, see you on Monday," he said after a few moments before starting to walk back to his car. I watched him stroll away for a moment before knocking on the door. Almost immediately, my mom opened the door. She had probably been watching through the peep hole the whole time.

"How did it go?" she asked when I had made my way into the living room. My dad was sitting on our couch watching some television show and I plopped down next to him. The smile still had yet to leave my face.

"Really well," I answered. I was sure this was not what my dad wanted to hear. He just didn't want me to date, so he was probably hoping it had been horrible so I wouldn't want to see Elliott again.

"Really?" my dad responded, sounding shocked. His surprise probably had something to do with the fact that Elliott was a jock. We were all used to people judging us, so I guess this was his turn.

"Yeah. Why is that so shocking?" I questioned. I tried not to sound offended, but I had really grown to like the sweet blonde boy who for some reason liked me back. We hated when people judged us, so why was my dad stooping to their level?

"Well, I mean. He doesn't seem like he's...your type," he responded, choosing his words carefully. He probably sensed that if he said anything bad about Elliott I'd get pissed.

"But if you two like each other, that's all that matters, love," my mom instantly cut in. She gave me a smile. No matter what my dad said, she was right. I liked him and he liked me, so why did it matter what we looked like?

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