In This Fight

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AN: This chapter is dedicated to @MIWReincarnate for asking me to update twice.

Song: A Love Like War by All Time Low featuring Vic Fuentes 


"Cameron, what's wrong?" Elliott asked, his brow furrowing in confusion. His sweet voice almost made me cave in and talk to him, but that was the last thing I wanted to do.

"Don't touch me," I growled before trying to make a quick getaway. Of course, though, being a star athlete, he caught up to me again in no time.

"Did I do something?" he questioned. The look on his face and the tone of his voice was so genuine that I almost believe that he had no idea why I was mad. Almost.

"Are you fucking kidding me?! You don't know what you did?!" I shouted, causing the few people hurrying to class around us to shoot us some looks. I didn't care though. I was angry and upset and I had every right to be.

"I honestly don't know what I did," he answered calmly. By now, the hallways were almost empty and the bell went off. Getting to class on time was not my first priority, though. All of sudden, I wanted to let out all my anger.

"I fucking saw you kissing Brittany in the library yesterday," I yelled. How could he just play dumb and pretend that nothing had happened? Did he really have no feelings?

"Wait, what? She kissed me and I pushed her off. I don't even like her," he responded, his face showing more confusion than before. He probably didn't understand how I saw what happened. Even though he was denying what I had seen, I didn't believe him. That hadn't been an all of a sudden surprise kiss.

"Well, you were kissing her for an awful long time to not even like her," I retorted. The image of them kissing for that extended amount of time was practically engraved in my brain.

"I was in shock, Cameron. I froze. She's an annoying bitch. I can't believe you actually think I like her," he responded. He acted like everyone would expect him not to like her. They looked like they were made for each other: the popular jock and the beautiful cheerleader.

"Well, that's what it looked like to me," I insisted. I just wished I he could see it the way I had seen it. He would understand then why I was upset.

"Did you even see my face? Because I definitely wasn't enjoying it," he told me.

"No..." I trailed off in response. "But she wouldn't just kiss you out of nowhere," I pointed out. Most people don't just shove their lips on our people's for no reason.

"Well, she did. She has a crush on me and was trying to get me to like her back, but I don't. I hate her, Cameron," he explained. It still didn't seem like a valid excuse to me. What if he was lying? He could have been lying this whole time, so why was this time different? "I like you, not her," he added as if that would make everything better.

"How do I know you're telling the truth?" I asked. I could feel tears coming to my eyes, but I blinked quickly to keep them from falling. I didn't need to be crying at school especially not in front of Elliott.

"I don't know, maybe because you trust me?" he exclaimed. But did I trust him? I thought I did, but how did I know now that he had been telling me the truth?

"But I don't now. Not after what I saw yesterday," I cried out. He hadn't done anything in particular that gained my trust, but yesterday sure had diminished it.

"I didn't want to kiss her! I'm sorry you saw it! I don't know what else you want me to say," he argued. With that I walked away, now at least ten minutes late to my math class. I didn't want to talk to him anymore. I heard him call out my name again, but I just ignored it. Part of my believe that he really was innocent, but there was another piece of me that was saying he wasn't worth my time.

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