DOME stuck in my ear canal?

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Okay so yesterday I was at my friends house and I took off my hearing aids only to find that the dome was gone. (You see, earlier that day I got new domes and stuff, and I forgot that I had to take it out a certain way.) so my friend looked in my ear with a flashlight, and the dome was stuck in there.

(At this point, my ear is hurting really bad) so since my parents were there hanging out with my friend's parents, my mom proceeded with trying to get it out, but she stopped because she didnt want to damage anything.

so this morning, I went to the doctor to get it removed. As im waiting for the doctor, the nurse pulls out all of these metal tools and im lowkey scared.

So the doctor comes in, and then a nurse pulls down on my ear so the doctor can see it better. Then, two other nurses come in to watch.

Apparently, it was WAYYY down in the ear canal, but the doctor managed to get it out. When she was pulling it out, there was so much pressure in my ear that I thought it would explode.

Thats my story.

Has this ever happened to any of you???

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