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Hey! Scientists just conducted this super-sciency study and found out that deaf people can actually drive! What a major discovery! Woah!

Apparently, your inability to hear properly has NOTHING to do with your ability to use your hands to move a steering wheel! How cool is that?

You may ask, "Well how do they hear an ambulance?"

Well, person, I'm just about to tell you! Scientists have also researched super-sciency stuff and also figured out that ambulances have bright lights that flash, and so do police cars and firetrucks! And guess what?? Deaf people can actually see flashing lights! Woahhhhh!

You might also be wondering, "Well, what if someone honks at them?"

Well, you see, there's actually an option of driving safely! Wouldn't it be SO cool if we could be responsible drivers and not even have to worry about getting honked at in the first place?! Woahhhh!

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