chapter 4

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Chapter 4.

“Ok so it wasn't anything big, but it was so lovely.” I cooded into the phone.

“So tell me,” giggles Elcy gossiply. “what was he wearing?”

“Oh it was so stylish.” I said. “He had those red skinnies you like and... that new woollen pattern.”

“And you say he's an actor... woo what have you got yourself into?” she's giggling and teasing me. I smile to myself.

“He is just so nice though, like one of those guys who's interesting but also interested.”

“Sounds like you got the guy!” she says, slightly annoyed.

“How's you and John?” I asked, I wanted to turn the conversation to her so she wouldn't get upset or anything, but also so she didn't consider dumping John and going for Eliot. I mean she's blooming beautiful, more than me with her big green eyes and flowing red hair. When she enters a room she just oozes brilliance and magic. Always, covered in make up, but you wouldn't notice it, and her big chest just peeking out of her corset type tops. Her long slender legs coming out of her short skirts in high heels. Yeah, do you see what I mean now?

“He's fine,” she said. “we're fine. He's taking me out to dinner tonight. Hey, do you wanna' come?”

“No, can't, got dead lines. You know how it is.” she didn't, not like me anyway. I've known Elcy since we started secondary school and all the way up to collage. We'd always been friends and stuck together, I wouldn't say best friend because there are lots of things we disagree on, but still...

She wanted a job like me, when I got my job

but she could never get into it, she appealed for so many newspapers, not just to write columns but just to do a paper round, if she could. But no one would take her. So I told her to do what she did best, like me because I was doing what I did best, writing.

She ended up getting a job sweeping in a beauty salon and now it learning how to do make overs and nails and hair styling. She says she wants to be a make up stylist for the films.

“Hmm,” she murmed over the phone, I could feel that there was something, not wrong as such but not quite good.

“You ok?” I asked.

“Yeah, fine,” she said sharply. “look I got to go get ready and you've got dead lines right? So I'll see you tomorrow.”

“Ok, see you tomorrow.” I said, then I remembered. “Oh and by the way, he has a sports car.” and I put the phone down, just to tease her.

I smile to my self and then frowned at my computer screen, I had to write an interview with James Mcavoy and then a column on his rise to fame.

I worked on it for about an hour, sipping a lukewarm coffee mocha, totally consummated in my work. Then the sound of my phone though me out of my 'and his apperence in x-men first class.' and 'he really enjoys working with Hollywood but is looking into the BBC.' haze and into real life. I picked it up.

“Roxy Laton here.” I said in my usual phone voice.

“Hey Roxy, I think I got you a scoop.” it was my editor, Rob.

“Rob?” I asked.

“Eliot James!”

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