chatper 2

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chapter 2

Waking up is always easier than going to sleep; the gentle lul of reality rising though your concuse and the momeries (whether blurd or not) sworm back and give us exicst. The first breathe taken in of the morning and the first sight soon forgotten but one day found. And the promise that you have a day ahead of you. You have a life.

I heard the music come back to my sences and let it engolf me in its tole. I let the pain but fun of dance that convince you into life, sworm though my bones again and let happiness raput though me.

Then I remember its all over and all I have left is the memories, but is that so bad? I turn over and remember that guy. He was cute, funny and cool. But why had he been looking at me? Probably because I'm mad, especially when I'm dancing (if you can call it that).

I guess I better get up, but I just don't want to let this peace end and stop my thoughts coming to me calmly and coincidently.

Suddenly I hear my phone vibrate. I open one eye and reach my arm out to pick it up. Its a text from an unknown texter. I read it:

hia do u rmbr me? U gav me ur no. well ur m8 did. I dnt tink I gav u my nme its Eliot James

and mab u cood sve my no. and mab we cood meet up? Txt me bac if and wen u cn x

OMG, that guy from last night. Who gave him my number and why did he want it? Gosh he really wants to date me! And that kiss at the end of the text! What should I do, text him back? And say what? Yh I'd luv 2 meet up or how did u get me no. u creep ? I plumped it and text: oh hi didnt no u had my no. wot do u mean meet up? What should I do now? Call Elcy, thats what I'll do.

The tone rings out.

“Er, hello?” said a sleepy voice.

“Elcy? Its me, did you give that guy my number?” I chocked getting straight to the point. She giggled.

“So he text you then. I didn't realise he was that keen.”

“You've got to be kidding me, he wants to meet up! What do you think I should say?”

“Say yes, he's gorgeous.” there was a murmmer in the background, “What more gorgeous than me?” it

was a guys voice, John (Elcy's boyfriend).

“No,” giggle Elcy, and there was a sound of kissing. “Leave off, will you.”

“Who is it?” he asked.

I signed.

“It's Roxy.” Elcy says conspiratorial.

“Oh OK.” He said then shouted down the phone. “HEY ROXY!”

“Hey, john.” I signed. Then I heard more russeling and then Elcy's smilely voice rings though the phone connection.

“So are you going to meet him or not?”

“Yeah, I guess, if you think its a good idea.”

“I think you should go for it, to get your mind off, well, you know.”

Two weeks ago, I'd just come out of a heavy relationship. I stopped it because it just wasn't fresh and we were just diddling into madness really, so there you go, that's we were at Evening Blue, to celebrate my freedom.

“Ok then, I'll text him.” I said, and with that I cut the line.

As soon as I put he phone down it vibrated again from the unknown texter or Eliot. It read:

I sed ur m8 gav it 2 me and by meet up I mean go for a coffee or drink or sumting x

Gosh! That kiss again! Now what should I text back now? Well, I said I would say yes to going out with him, didn't I? So I guess I will.

I look around my average bedroom. It's pale blue with a white desk and chair and my 'netbook' (and beauty produces). There's posters on the walls of Kurt Cobain and Suiside Bunny's. I have my bed-side-table next to my double bed with my lamp, book and picture of me and my ex. I have my wardobe with my old toys on top and my window, with its silky white curtain blowing into my bedroom followed by a gentle breeze.

I look at the picture and put it face down on the table, I'm going to text him.

Hey u no wot- I'd luv 2 meet up. 2Day bout 12 at the cine? I rly wnt 2 wtch tht new bond movie x

And yes I put a kiss on the end. Maybe this might work, what's the worse that could happen?

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