Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

(James’ Presidential Office --->)

Ben’s POV

I couldn’t help but shake at the feeling of entering Mr. Marshall’s office and seeing him sitting at his desk. The fear of something, like the bathroom incident, happening again, made my body tense up.

However, getting closer to his desk, the smell of his cologne hit and, just like the last time I was in his presence, my heartbeat began to race and my skin heated up. I could also feel my crouch begin to stir at the sight of him.

The look of his black slacks, fitted white buttoned down shirt, and purple and black-stripped tie only added to the lust that was coursing through my veins. He hadn’t looked up from papers yet but that gave me the benefit to openly stare out him and all of his covered glory. I couldn’t help but wonder what was underneath all of his clothing.

“Sit.” He said pointing to the pair of chairs that were in front of his desk.

All of a sudden the lust that was running through my veins disappeared and was quickly replaced with a felling of hate and resentment. Who was he to act as if I were nothing but a measly fly that was buzzing around his head?

But, despite my growing rage, I walked over and sat down in one of the chairs, keeping the files in my hands.

“Ms. Dow asked—” I began to say only to have him cut me off by putting his hand up. Again, I kept silent, fearing that if I were to open my mouth my fury would rear its head.

After about five minutes of waiting, my impatient and frustration was growing to new level. I was rarely ever upset or pissed off, even when it came to Becky, but this man seemed to bring out a new side of me that didn’t want to be shy, but wanted to expression itself.

Did he not realize that I had other things to do? That I too had a job here, and my time was just a valuable as his? Yet he was keeping me here just because he wanted to finish reading a file. Was it too much to ask for him to put down the document for a few second just to sign some papers?

As usual, my frustration and impatience got the better of me, and my knee began to bounce up and down, lightly shacking his desk.

“Stop fidgeting!” He growled out, still not looking up from the folder in his hand, and I couldn’t help but release a frustrated sigh.

“Are you in a hurry?” He asked, and I couldn’t help but glare at him. He finally looked up at him, and as soon as I caught the hint of amusement in his eyes, I snapped.

Screw it! I thought to myself. Rachael had better cover my ass for this.

“Actually, yes Mr. Marshall, I am in a hurry. I, like yourself, have things I need to get—”

“Mr. Ste—” Oh no, I wasn’t going to let him cut me off again. If he wanted to play games, then I was going to force-feed him his own medicine.

“—done. So if you wouldn’t mind taking some time out of busy schedule to sign these permit requests! I may be new here, but time is just as valuable as your and I could be doing other things than being you own piece of amusement.” I finished, slamming the folders of documents on to his desk.

Throughout my rant I saw the emotions change in his eyes. First it was delight, until I cut him off, which made a fiery rage flash in his eyes, but I didn’t back down. As I finished my rant though, I was surprised to see the anger in his eyes quickly snap to that of lust and hunger.

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