Chapter Five: Week 1

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Draumr kópa and Bresingr belong to the Inheritence Cycle, to the creator of Eragon, not me or anyone else. Quote for this chapter:

"The hoof beats belonging to the horses follow our every move, like they are adapted to the air more than the ground itself."--The Weeping Widow, Medieval times.


    I started a habit this week;wake up,get dressed,brush teeth, eat breakfast and go outside to the barn where Hector resides for now.

    I took Hector out of the barn, because my parents and Uncle had left some urgant meeting at a place several miles away that left me alone for a entire day to test what I have received from this marking,if it may be magical powers useful for situations calling out for it’s use then I will be glad.

    “Bresingr!” I shouted,lifting my hand downwards to the grass in case fire did come out.

    Nothing happened.

    “Draumr kópa!”  I attempted again

    Nothing moved.

    “Nah...Not related to the Dragon Riders..” I said to myself.


    Hector ran across a grassy field,while the other fully grown horses are munching on food as the little Dragon horse is getting used to his legs covered in lizard scales reflecting light off into the atmosphere from the sun.

    “Quisloon.” I mumbled to myself,holding my hand downwards at the ground once more.

    A strong gust of wind spiral from my forehead,throwing me a few feet into the air which landed me into the pasture. “Wow! I flew!” I laughed,looking at the sky extremely happy.

    Hector nodded up and down ,mostly doing it for amusement at some rate that I can not count higher beyond;he stretches his wings in the air around him,while the other horses whom came here after living a long golden life watched him in awe for his brilliant wings except for the cocked right ear making him look silly.

    “Pictures are memories!” I say,jumping over the fence them ran straight into the house where I placed my bookbag near to the kitchen table somewhat old fashioned;I brought a camera with me to take the best photographs of my family having the best time in the world.

Can a person call their Dragon Horse a Family member? I leave this question to be answered..someday.

I snagged my red-brown camera from my school bag filled by everything that I can possibly fit inside and think about what I would need for extra if something very good or bad happened. I am glad to be a think-aheader by reading so many books.I cheerfully thought, heading back outside.

Hector is racing Duke to the brown fence at the end; foals at his age would be under their mother’s wing,except he hatched from a egg leaving him as a hotshot wanting to race a elder above their age and half of the time Hector is a clown.


I took a photograph, though it is the picture itself improvising a rare sight of seeing a normal Stallion racing the youngest foal hatched out of a egg like a dragon--what would you think of seeing reality animal and the mythical creatures racing together?

“Once in a lifetime photography.” I started, admiring the photo of Hector and Duke racing side by side. His kind may have inhabited our world long before the first humans were born...when I get back to school, I will tell all the non-believers about Hector.

On Hectors first week; he grew to the size of a deer,despite the appetite switching to carrots and apples which there is plenty of them to go around,except my parents would notice the shortage since they too eat apples sometimes.

    I took my dad’s laptop,leaving the camera on the table beside the kitchen microwave;I needed to research about Hectors kind first spotted, thus I would be able to know information of my Dragon Horse partner’s roots and history reaching into ordinary people’s lives like mine had been.


    A stream belonging to a river has groups of wild Stallions with Dragon-like wings,they are all drinking the water very so peacefully without being violent at all towards the tourists whom accidentally went off their cracky path cluttered in sticks.

    One of them raised their head at the tourists, nodding as if it knew they didn’t believe it was real.

    “Ah, so they are peaceful animals.” I inferred,browsing several other articles about these sightings till I landed onto a youtube video which has the spectacular sight of what I can describe the evil-looking horse with a man beside it, I clicked the link which explained it has some good information about these creatures.

This is sort of what the wikipedia said:

    Dragon Horses:

    These creatures are distributed to be fake, yet some people have managed to get their hands on several Stallions with wings,Yet they are thought to be hidden by the federal’s after a long series of kidnappings and investigations rotating around them till a specific group known as ‘citation needed’ peeped in taking the founded creatures that they left the people behind.

    It’s long been presumed they don’t produce Magic, hance their dragon-like body produced somewhere in the Mesohippus stage that has drawn few people whom encountered these creatures occasionally since they are talked about rarely.

    “If they are so rare, how can they proove it can’t produce magic?”I say a loud,shutting the laptop off then put the technology back inside the house.

    As I came outside, Hector jumped over the over the fence and nearly tackled me down onto the grass quicker than a bandwagon as he began to lick at my face fiercely from his hyper brain pulsing those funny demands.

    I laughed, this actually made my day.

    5:58 PM

    “Hector..When I was real little;we had a dark gray female poodle named Lady, she protected me from unwanted strangers....On the other side, she was a pure family dog.” I ranted, petting Hectors mane in between a yawn.

    Hector neahed at my lane of memory.

    “I know what you are thinking why talk about her? Two years later, she went out on a walk with my mother one night, my mom returned a few hours without her..So I started reading Horse books.”

    My little horse friend yawned.

    “It sounds lame ,but the person who recommended the first horse book to me..I didn’t ask their name, I merely remember what they appeared. “ I finished,looking to my knee where Hector is asleep. “Good night Hector.”

    I head out of the barn after I had managed to slip under his radarw,heading towards the house when I see the headlights of the Jeep and my Uncles old truck park into the driveway. “What was the urgency about?”

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