Chapter 8~ normal day part 2

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~Zim's pov~

The vile creathure that dare disturb me is dib. Ugh, why must he keep bothering me.

"What do you want dib?" I ask quite annoyed

"Umm, you looked lonely. So I thought I'd join you." He told me.

"Whatever." I sigh

We sat in mostly silence for the rest of lunch. When that  nauseating routine of eating ended Dib and I headed to Gym.

When we got there the teacher started speak- well yelling really.

"Alright class. Start off by going 15 laps around the gym in under 10 minutes." he yelled

Everyone starts whining, sighing, and finally start running. I don't see the big deal. I start running and finish the laps in 7 minutes along with some other people. I assume the athletes. Everyone else still seems to be running and out of breath. I could have done better but I haven't done anything athletic-like in 5 years. It was like the training the gave you back on Irk to become an invader. I still practiced and kept myself in good training. It wasn't as severe as the training on Irk though.

The 10 minutes are almost up. I look up and see some people running. One of them happens to be Dib. He looks like he's about to pass out. The last few runners round the last corner and just barley make the 10 minute mark.

Some of the runners fall to the floor out of breath. I laugh slightly.

"Alright, warm up time is over" The teacher yelled.

What was his name again? Oh right Mr. Tildom. Such weird names these people have.

He then yelled"Now do 20 push ups, 30 curl ups,..."

And the list went on. I finished everything within 30 minutes. The bell rang and we were dismissed to leave. Before I got the chance to leave Mr. Tildom grabbed my shoulder and pulled me aside. He asked my if had been doing any sports and if I wanted to join a sport. I told him I'd think about it and I left quietly.

Dib showed me to our next class which was our extracurricular class. I chose a class that was based on improving the Earth. It was so that I could give out ideas of how to improve the earths technology. I mean if I'm going to be stuck here for the rest of my life I mine as well make it enjoyable, Right.

We spent the class learning on how the Earth' economy was made and then discussed ways of improving it.

The class ended and we were free to go home. To my luck it started raining. 'Just great' I thought to myself. I took a seat on a bench that was under a shade and sat there to start waiting. Before I could though Dib grabbed my hand and pulled me under him umbrella.

"Water burns you right? I'll walk you home" He told me

My face burned a little when he said that. He remembered after all these years, and I forgot so easily.

"Your face is turning blue. Are you ok?" He asked quite worriedly. That only made it worse.

"Just take me home" I commanded. He then took me home.


Here is the chapter for the new year

Happy new year

first chapter of 2017


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