The One Girl Who Could 7

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The One Girl Who Could 7

I didn't even hear the door burst open, all I heard was shrilling screams of the thought to be dead girl laying on the bed. Her body arching upward and eyes still closed. The screams lasted about a minute then it was silent once again except for the rhythmic beat of the older woman's heart.

If she could still scream does that mean she isn't dead, and if she isn't dead then why is she so still.

"Billie?" I asked her to see if she would have any response to her name.

Nothing. She was as motionless as the day I killed her.

When I looked her body from head to toe I noticed no movement at all. There was no sound, no aura of any kind of life left in her. I looked back up at her face and thought of the times when I actually got to see her look at me with hope in her features. The nights I would watch her look up into the night sky and for awhile believe in herself. Then I looked away, I couldn't be here anymore not when what I needed for so long was never going to come back to me.

She was gone even if she did come back she wouldn't be mine, but somewhere deep down inside me I was glad. At least with her like this I could keep her body for as long as it remains unburdened by time, because I knew that if she woke up she, she would have to leave me. It was part of my cursed life.

It was Sedric's fault.

I got up off the bed and made my way to the front door in a matter of minutes. I stormed through the forest and into my room before any one had a chance to notice me.

All the girls in the house were nothing to me. It was part of my curse, to only change woman, to only feed off woman. But that wasn't all of it, I also had to find someone to love. Someone who could make me happy, someone to alter my whole being. That someone, the one I would come to love, just could never be mine. Not ever.

I was punished for crimes I didn't commit and that punishment was for one person destined for me was to belong to my brother. I was to live forever seeing my brother with the one person for me, and there was nothing I could do about it.

Until now. She was gone forever never to look at me, or say my name like she did. She was finally a real corpse and I didn't have to share her.

I looked around my room to notice that everything was put away and tidy. I heard the door open and I turned around ready to tell which ever girl it was to leave, when I saw Sedric leaning against the doorway. His face was serious and it made me tense, waiting for what ever news he had.

"What is it?"

"I am sorry." he started. "But I cant help it. I have to have her." he finished.


I didn't watch him leave, my eyes were glued on the girl he called Billie. She was motionless but alive. She was trapped inside herself. That much I could tell, but there was no way out for her that I could see.

I didn't tell Blaine that she was alive, how could I, he already believed her dead. And I would make sure he had no doubts about her being dead. This girl deserved a life worth living and I couldn't let her life be ran by an old curse.

Blaine had no idea that others knew about his life and the events that led to it, but he was not apart of the witch community like I was. He didn't get to here about the day he was cursed and learn how to complete such a thing. Although it was forbidden to curse the lives of the cursed, but those who study such arts are not law abiding witches.

I walked over to the bed and set my hand over her unbeating heart. Although she wasn't screaming on the outside anymore she was on the inside.

Whispering a few words, I got up and left the room. Listening to the new heart beat, waiting for nourishment.


Everyday it was a routine. Every four hours I had to feed Billie blood to keep her heart strong. She was still one of the undead but now she had a heart beat something that is definitely not common in vampires.

I talked to her, not about anything in particular but about the news what was going on nearby. I knew that she sensed my presence. For the first couple weeks she thought about him, but when he never showed up she figured it was for the best. I never brought him up in the things that I told her, I didn't think it was wise when she needed to forget about him.

And everyday that went by that he didn't show up had me more on edge to hurry and get the girl up and out of here before he did. Deep down I knew that he would, he wouldn't be able to know where she is and stay away for long. I had to think of a plan to stop this from turning into the disaster it was heading into.


She woke up yesterday, and the first thing she said was Blaine.

The first thing I did that morning she went to bed was erase her memory of him. I knew it worked the next night she woke up. She was happy. She told me all about her life and that she remembers me talking to her while she slept. That is what she called it. She asked me why she drank blood and I told her it was just a curse someone put on her because they didn't like her name.

"My name is Rose, not Billie. Why do you keep calling me Billie?"

"You just look like a Billie that's all." I told her adding yet another lie to the many I have told her so far.

I had to get her out of here and fast. I went to our rooms and packed us each a bag. Tonight is the night we leave.


Two months. I have not been able to see her body for two months. I wonder if anything has changed, but would that witch tell me.

Sedric hasn't left me alone, waiting for me to lead him to her body.

He tried too many times to convince me that Billie is his now, but I cant listen to him long enough for what he says to get to me. I wont let him take the one happiness I can have away from me .

I whirled around when I heard a gasp. Sedric had shot up from the seat nearby.

Then I understood why. I could feel it in my body. She was happy, she had feelings, which only met one thing she was alive.

Sedric met my gaze and said one thing that we both knew was the truth.


let me know what story i should upload the next part to.................

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