The One Girl Who Could 6

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The One Girl Who Could chapter 6

I never really meant to leave her alone even if she doesn't make it, but I had to seek out this revenge that was building in me. She became my light in so many days of night, where it was always filled with darkness. She was shy but filled with heart, and it showed in everything that she did.

The nights she would look up to the dark sky, her face would fill up with dreams and possibilities that were taken away from her. Taken away because of me.

But I gave her a semi life back, and I knew that it still wouldn't be enough to say I am sorry. If I could go back to that one night with Sedric I would never have gotten this cursed life along with the curse upon myself.


She was lost, but I followed what the Master wanted. And what he wanted was for me to force substance down her throat. She didn't stir, not once since she was brought in. Her wounds have healed leaving galleons of blood behind as memories of what has happened to her. It has been Three weeks since she was first laid down in my house and three days when the Master visited her for the first time since. That same day he came I burned the sheets for he never wanted to smell her blood on anything but what was in her.

He stayed for about an hour watching her, but not once did he actually enter the room or touch her. After awhile he left without a single word to anyone.

I feel bad for the Master, the first time I have ever seen that look in his eyes and the object was in the worst condition.

I had every doubt that she would make it but it wasn't my decision to make she was not my child, in the sense of what it meant to vampires.

I was not a vampire I was just someone that Master Blaine felt sorry for when I was a little girl and he took me in, set me up nearby to house his children until they were re- awaken to their lives as vampires.

I did get bored and lonely but I found happiness in the days when the sun was its brightest, and I knew that I could go out and enjoy all that was lost for vampires. I would go for walks, look at all the flowers at their peak and know that I got something that so many I was around didn't get to every feel what I feel standing in the brilliant flowers.

At night I would watch the girl the Master put into my care, but never told me her name. She was the nameless corpse which I fed blood regularly. She had something about her that made me wonder why he chose her instead of any other vampire in his care. I knew that I couldn't be a candidate but that was the fact that he never looked at me in any romantic way and I never wanted to become what he was. But I also wasn't a contender because the Master knew I was a witch, another reason he kept me in his service.

I looked very closely at the nameless corpse laying there and tried to sense any life form left in her but sadly I was having the most difficult of times. The vibe that was emanating from her body was one that I have never felt in another being.

But as I stood there watching her I did feel something. As I turned around I found the Master at the door just looking again.

"Blaine." There was a whisper of sound as the Master moved from the door to the bedside.

The Master grabbed her hand. "Billie?" I watched as he knelt on the bed beside the Billie girl, but she didn't speak again, nor did she move.

"Leave us please." He said without turning to face me.

I hesitated before leaving the room. I watched as he put his palm to her face and started whispering in her ear.

As the door clicked in place the screaming pierced the night sky.

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