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Dear Time,

I don't understand you. I don't understand why you are wasting your gifts on humans like us. Maybe some of us desperately need you, but people like me don't. We don't appreciate your gift, we don't understand why you are spending it on people like us. We don't want you, I don't want you to bother me, keeping me away from my only true friend, Death. I suppose you know him right?

So what I'm asking you here, is to spend your gift to people who need you, who want to get out of Death's clutches. If you keep on wasting your gift to me, I won't appreciate it, since I don't need it, and I will despise your gift.

I hate that you give more of your gift to people like me than to people who actually need it. I hate that you're the only thing that's holding me back from my destined future. I hate you, and I don't need you, you mean nothing to me.

If you think, even for a second that you are protecting me, don't, because you're not. You're not protecting me in any way. I have no other choice, I just want to be free from all this constant pain and sadness, it's wearing me down and I just want to be free. Free from all this sadness, this heavy feeling that keeps on weighing down my heart. You may not know it, but this feeling that I'm constantly experiencing isn't the best feeling to be felt, perhaps the worst? Just imagine being stabbed a billion times, then triple that. So what you're doing is not protecting me, it's holding me down. So let me go, just let me go. Give your gift to some one who needs it more than me, because I obviously don't need it.


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