City Snow Globe

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The small, fluffy snowflakes that gently float down to rest on the brown bench make a snow-globe scene, with a small oak that’s branches from behind to spread over the person who might sit there. Push the scene out a little bit, and you can see the stone ground that had been carefully laid a century ago, creating a beautiful click of your shoes every step you take. Expand even more and you will see buildings that are from years and years ago surround this surreal scene, blocking most of the busy street’s view and causing you do be in a large and mostly secluded area. The seclusion caused a false feeling of safety, but behind those brick buildings is danger and uncertainty.

This snow globe is in fact a lonely court yard, worn by age and weather. The snow continues to drift down and slowly amount to piles of sparkling white, and maybe one day the ‘globe’ will be shaken again.

By Moriah


Hey:) It was for school so it's all weird and yesh

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