Shorts and Paragraphs

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Ok so I LOVE writing, and so sometimes I get these little 'images' or ideas in my head I want to write about. {Like an artist paints a picture :p} Soooooo basically this will be dedicated to that.

They usually won't be named, just shadows of faces, used to descripe what I imagine.

This just sounds weird ITS NOT I PROMISE AND APOLOGIZE :D

A couple of the first ones are from school, which inspired me to do this! I love doing these kinds of things, so please let me know what you think of them:)

ALSO: I don't care really if you use these for inspiration, just please don't copy it exactly or say the idea was your own :) You can even the discribe the *same* scene, just use different adjectives and discriptive words, and please let me know so I can see how you see it:)


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