Chapter 33: Full Circle [FINAL CHAPTER]

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Life is fragile. Now, I know saying that is cliché, maybe even a little boring...but it's the truth. Life is fragile. It can break; it can be shattered, and demolished. Like a mirror, once there's a crack, there's a guarantee the entire glass will fall apart to the point where nothing but the darkened wood that held the flawless piece together remains. Think of life as the glass, and your body as the wood. If you strip life from the body...what do you have left?

"Nothing," you mumbled, smiling a little when looking up at the cloudless sky that seemed close to touch.

Here you were, hair moving triumphally off your shoulders in the chilling wind as you sat comfortably on the buildings side. One tug forward, and you'd fall. You'd fall so quick and meet the pavement that surrounded the BigHit building, so instead, you stay focused on the clear sky that was before you. Not even a cloud seemed to be around you, no smog, no dark air. Nothing but clear sky.

"Y'know," you said, smiling before moving your hand slowly in the other that gripped tightly at your fingers, "If you were scared to come up here, you didn't have to."

Jungkook's crinkled forehead seemed to tense further when slowly glancing over at you. He was seated next to you, trying to force a smile on his face as his feet dangled off the side of the building as well.

"I," the maknae took in a huge gulp of air, "What're you talking about, of course I wanted to come up here—"

He stopped talking the moment you pursed your lips from bursting into laughter at his face. Scoffing a little, the maknae looked over the edge for a moment, his adam's apple bobbing once again.

"I just," he struggled, trying his hardest not to pay attention to the height, and instead, focus on your face so close next to him. "I just thought the last time you were up here, I forced you away so rudely. You had mentioned how you loved the way your mind thought so freely up I don't know, I thought I'd bring you back."

You nodded, remembering how in the past, when you had grown stressed over the burden of 'working for Bangtan' long ago, you had asked PD Nim to come up here. Once you had found bliss in a quick moment, Jungkook had shattered it by taking away this beautiful sight from you forever. The maknae had taken you off the roof and forced the keys from your hands. It was a stressful day, but at the time, you didn't expect much from the maknae...

"Throughout trying to be sweet," Jungkook said, all the blood in his cheeks falling, "I forgot just how high this building was."

You felt Jungkook's fingers move away from your hand before they slowly crept along the side of your sweater. Pulling you gently closer by your hip, the maknae seemed to want to hold you as he glanced down to possible death again.

"Aw," you chimed, chuckling before kissing the maknae's cheek, "You worry about me."

"Of course, I do," Jungkook said, eyes still drifting down to spot the rush of cars.

You smiled.

"But I also care about myself, and I don't want to die up here," Jungkook chuckled out, causing you to roll your eyes before taking hold of his chin for a moment.

His brows furrowed a slight bit when you nudged his jaw up. Forehead crinkling again, you eyed what you were trying to get him to see as well. The sky.

"Look up instead of down," you mumbled, knowing it would help with his uneasiness, "It'll help overcome your fear."

Jungkook's lips curled at that, his eyes moving away from the clear sky before staring at your face again. It was refreshing to see you after weeks of tour, but to see you in such light matched with a clear sky, Jungkook felt chills. He missed you so, and it was hard for him to voice such feelings he didn't understand. Feelings he still had to sort out within himself.

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