Chapter 8: Foot-Slip Not a Nip-Slip

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Life is fragile. Now, I know saying that is cliché, maybe even a little boring...but it's the truth. Life is fragile. It can break; it can be shattered, and demolished. Similar to a mirror, once there's a crack, there's a guarantee the entire glass will fall apart to the point where nothing but the darkened wood that held the flawless piece together remains. Think of life as the glass, and your body as the wood. If you strip life from the body...what do you have left?

"Nothing," you mumbled, smiling a little when looking up at the clouds that seemed close to touch.

Fingers dancing in the air, you dangerously let your toes tippy toe as you balanced yourself to the ledge of the BigHit building.

Busy streets, busy people.

No essence gave you a second glance as you stood on top of the building, thinking, reflecting, and out here for a break. You always came out here when you had time given for lunch breaks. It was peaceful and helped drain all the anger away from your body.

You didn't know if it was the breeze that literally cooled you down, or if it was the fact that nothing else but clouds seemed to be your sight. You didn't look always seemed to look up. You looked up at the clouds and not the strong busy streets murmuring below you.

You felt like the king and queen of the world on this ledge. You felt like King Kong, ready to Hulk out, only to become tame when seeing how high you truly were. It felt as if birds couldn't even reach this high...I'm sure they do, and they have...but I like to think I'm the only one who's been here.

Where is here? The top of the building.

Why are you here, you wonder? Well, it's the only place where you're not screaming internally over the fact that 7 boys are out to get you, management and hundreds of working faces glare at you, while Lia, a beautiful friend, awkwardly speaks to you.

It's been a week working for Bangtan.

Monday, I had worked alongside Lia. She hadn't spoken to me, nor did she glance over at me at all. But I was assigned under her wing due to PD Nim's instructions.

Tuesday, I had worked alongside Lia again. She said my name and called for me...that was nice. And then Jungkook came, sweaty, disgusting, and huge smile on his face as he changed out of his shoes to dance. He made me massage his feet.

Your nose scrunched in disgust when remembering how revolting and evil that was of the maknae to do. Talk about being passive-aggressive with the punishments, you thought internally, knowing it was utterly fun for the maknae to have begun a disastrous week to begin with.

Wednesday, Lia probably heard about the horrid massaging of 'golden' feet, because she spoke to me this day. I swear I had seen a smile from the sweet woman but couldn't be so sure. PD Nim was nice, offered me access to the cafeteria in the building so I could eat. I chose not to go in because the boys were all there. They watched me leave before I could even enter, smiles gone, eyes narrowed.

You rolled your eyes at the memory of them always trying to be intimidating. Sighing, you moved to turn on the ledge, looking down at your toes for a moment before grinning when you managed to start walking in the opposite direction.

Thursday, Didn't see Lia, but got dragged in to see the boys at their shoot. Frankly, the worst day ever...Jungkook wasn't the only one to torment me during that time. Yoongi was there, helping him. Let's just say I had to pick up things they'd purposely drop, move to handle work they'd toss my way, run errands that I wasn't in charge of, and fetch them food every twenty minutes. Throughout it all, those dweebs would laugh and smile.

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