Lost Somewhere

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Poor and broke

Cold and broken

Drained from all this sickness

On I go

Keeping focus

To regain days lost in the distance

Waiting for momentum

When lost connection

Has taken over time

I need a way

To break away

Releasing weight that's on my mind

Fate is often blind

But I'm sure she sees me

Chasing, taking away my meaning

Sometimes so strong

I forget what it is to be sad

Painting emotions in poems

Ones I've never had

There's just silence until the rain drops

Falling from the sky

Jumping from the clouds

They fall until they die

There are clouds until the rain stops

Pouring out their cries

I don't go anywhere

Pulled between hope and despair

Sorrow is a slumber to which none can compare

I'm lost somewhere

Between dream and nightmare

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