A Rose Without Thorns

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The delicate rose

With petals so smooth

Incredible view

Dressed up in blue

Red and violet

Just a little lower

Then you are violent

Although a flower

Search to find it

For many hours

Weeds and weeds are all I see

But roses are chosen  -- a rarity

I will always nurture you rose

From anything: Bugs, to a murder of crows

You are mine, in my care you will stay

Until you are grown, then I give you away

I give to you…

A rose with no thorns 

To hold you so warm

Hope that my art will do

If ever I am apart from you

Remember that my heart is true

Because I know you could never be alone

So I will give you a rose without the thorns

Blood red petals, from the meadow

Yours to never let go

Smooth as you so it slides along your cheek

The same is true about its smell: so sweet

The feeling that could make you melt slowly

And heal scars and your welts so deep

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