The Hogwarts Express

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"Goodbye!" Azura waved at them, as they stood on platform 9 3/4. The people who weren't her parents almost smiled at her, before dissaparating. She started slowly down the train, looking for an empty compartment or someone she knew.

"Azura!" Someone called her name, shelooked round, grinning as she saw Harmony.

"Harmnee!" Azurawalked up to her.

"Alright?" She asked brightly

"Yeah, where'd you go? I was looking for you when we got to the station but you'd already gone?" Azura had stayed at Harmony Malfoys house for the last year, her parents, Bellatrix and Rudolphus Lestrange were in Azkaban, sentenced to life for serving the Dark Lord. She pushed her long, curly black hair out of her face, and walked up the train with Harmony.

"Oh, I had to say hi to Seamus!" Harmony grinned in a very un-Malfoy way.

"Right" Azura smiled, "Have you found a compartment?"

"Um, yeah, come and meet my new friends!" She took Azura down the train, to a compartment at the very end, and introduced  her to Fred and George, they were twins, very tall with flaming red hair. Seamus Finigan was there too, Azura smiled, and sat haughtily down opposite him, as Harmony hugged everyone and sat next to Azura. Azura Lestrange was not the huggy type.

"Hey, Azura," Seamus smiled, "excited?" She nodded in reply, and an akward silence fell.

"Um, Harmony, Azura, want us to buy you some cauldron cakes?-" Fred asked,

"Our brother Bill says the trolley-witch is usually-" Added George

"At the front with the driver" Fred finished. Azura frowned, 

"Yeah, sure.. um, do you guys always finish eachothers sentences?"

"Yeah-" started Fred

"Most of the time!" George smiled.

"Get some for me too! Harmony winked and the twins got up to buy the cakes.


Another girl came in, she said her name was Louise, Azura could tell she and Harmony really clicked. Azura didn't really fit in anywhere, Hogwarts wasn't going to be much different.

Fred and George Returned, handing out cauldron cakes to Azura, Seamus, Harmony and Louise. Azura ran her fingers through the messy tangles of her hair, and shook it so the shiny black curls hung around her face, hiding her eyes. I looked up, Seamus was looking at her oddly. She frowned.

"What?!" She glared at him. The others turned to look at them.

"Nothing!" He looked down. Azura didn't give up.

"Seamus Finnigan, why are you staring at me?!" She was honestly worried, he had almost looked scared.

"well, um, it's just I looked at you and you, like, looked like your mum, it was... weird." he admitted. Azura was taken aback.

"oh." She leaned proudly against the window, as rain splashed down outside.


Azura LestrangeWhere stories live. Discover now