[열다섯] You Will Die Here

193 16 14

"People die, Rick. It's what happens. Doesn't mean the rest doesn't happen."


Judith did not even stir when a gentle hand stroked her hair. Glenn looked down sadly at the toddler, watching her sleep peacefully. He had not seen her in months, but now as the day of reckoning drew closer he felt as if he needed to visit her. He didn't need to do any deep soul searching to know that the reason he was so apprehensive of visiting her was that it would be salt to the wound in his heart.

This was not his child. His child was dead. This was the reality. This was his reality.

He sighed, reflecting on what had happened in the two weeks since he had arrived from Negan's base.

He had found out from Abraham what happened to the Oceanside group. It panged him to know he had been the cause of their misery, but he surprisingly didn't regret his actions. He knew their numbers would be necessary and maybe even what would help them win the war.

The women were highly skilled in defense and weaponry. They had managed to salvage several guns from their home and even crafted spears to aid them. One of the women, Michelle, had been nice enough and came to teach the Alexandrians how to use spears.

Abraham had also told them how The Saviors did not even question Gregory's death and Jesus's "leadership position" like Glenn predicted. Although Simon wondered why there were was suddenly an influx of women at Hilltop. Jesus had stated they were a nomadic group who had stumbled upon them. He was such a convincing liar with his charisma and ease that Simon fell for this. All the while this happened, Sasha made sure to stay out of sight.

Michonne came back with the news of how The Kingdom's citizens were heavily training under King Ezekiel's watch. Morgan had taken up the role of teaching them how to fight with staffs or spears. Shiva had taken an instant liking to Michonne and vice versa; after she had gotten over her shock of seeing the tiger. Ezekiel had asked for Michonne's help in training the citizens in swordsmanship since The Kingdom had an abundance of swords. It was named The Kingdom for a reason.

Aaron had worked tirelessly to collect guns on top of scavenging for other supplies that would sustain Alexandria and The Saviors. Granted, Rick would sometimes go to help, but he was really the one who took it upon himself to do this.

Another person working themselves into exhaustion was Eugene. He practically lived in the warehouse that he had found in order to produce the bullets. He would only stop to take breaks and then go back to manufacturing the bullets. In total, he had created over one hundred bullets.

Finally, Gabriel and Tara had pushed themselves to their limits in training. Gabriel wanted to be as strong as he was at the outpost times ten. Tara wanted to be on the level of Rosita's skill, she had to if she was going to fight. She also wanted to right the wrong she felt she caused to Oceanside. When the thoughts of how she had betrayed their community invaded her mind, it would only direct her rage into training and fuel her strength.

Glenn recalled how at training he encouraged people to put their 110% into this. He motivated them by praising what they had been doing right and correcting them on what they could do better. Tara had asked why he wasn't being like a drill sergeant a.k.a. Abraham with them. It was because of Maggie, he responded, she was one of the first people besides Rick who had not treated him like a tool. She never insulted him and brought out the best traits within him. This inspired everyone's desire to fight even more.

He rapidly left the nursery, his thoughts overwhelming him. He walked over to his house; his bedroom a mess with papers and pens. Many nights he would stay up until dawn, planning, and note taking for the upcoming battle. He wrote like his life depended on it and in a way it did. He felt as he was running out of time; the battle had arrived and his people's survival depended on it. He continued to write and think of every variable that could prevent their victory.

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