[다섯] After The Fall

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"I know it's wrong, but I'd trade any number of people for one of ours any day."

~Glenn Rhee

"Now don't make me ask again," Negan warned Spencer. The clueless man wasn't supposed to open the gates to Alexandria. Spencer reluctantly let Negan and his men into their home, wondering who this man was and what the hell he was doing here.

Before things could escalate, Rick arrived at the tense scene. "What are you doing here?" He asked breathlessly, his eyes glued to what Negan held in his hand; Lucille.

"What does it look like I'm here for, Rick? I'm here for half of your shit!" Negan pointed the bat at Rick, who unwillingly flinched.

This did not go unnoticed by Negan, so he commanded him to hold it. Rick grudgingly took ahold of it; not wanting to see the dried blood and pieces of flesh clinging to it.

"We can gather the supplies for you," Rick told him, desperately wanting Negan to pack up and go.

"I'll be the one to decide that," Negan fired back, looking around at the scenery. "This sure is a nice place ya got here." Rosita rolled her eyes in annoyance, something that Negan did not appreciate. He stood in front of her, his chest nearly touching hers. She did not turn her face up towards him; she refused to meet his lecherous look. Unable to take this invasion of space any longer, Rosita walked off back to Spencer. Negan chuckled at this, but Rick was far from amused.

"Alright, start searching the house for whatever you want!" One of Negan's lieutenants yelled. "Nothing is off limits!" The Saviors perked up upon hearing this and immediately started to raid the houses.

Rick could only watch helplessly as his people's items were forcefully taken from them. Negan grinned in amusement at the scene in front of him, enjoying how Rick was under his thumb.

Dwight, wanting to have some fun of his own, turned his attention to Rosita and Spencer. "Roooosiiita," he called out to her. She narrowed his eyes at him in disgust. "I need you all to do me a favor," he snatched her hat. "I want Daryl's bike and you know where it's at."

Rosita looked as if she wanted to murder Dwight on the spot and oh, how badly did she want to. "Whatever," she responded before climbing into the car with a puzzled Spencer.

"Before you go, I'm gonna need your guns," Dwight held out his hand

"How do you expect us to get the bike then?" Rosita shot back.

"I'm sure you can find a way..." He implied that if they wanted to live they better find a way to retrieve the motorcycle. Rosita practically shoved the guns in Dwight's burnt face before accelerating off.

"We found this," a Savior approached Negan with a camcorder.

"Now what do we have here?" Negan turned on the camcorder and a fully bearded Rick came onto the screen, causing Negan to laugh. "Talk about an extreme makeover!" Negan switched on the recording button and filmed the vastly different Rick in front of him.

"Say hi to the camera!" Negan zoomed in and out on him.

Once Negan got bored of that, he started viewing the other videos. "Oh, memories," he pointed at the screen, which showed Daryl being interviewed. Rick swallowed his grief that threatened to spill over as he saw his brother. Negan skipped to the next video and whistled, "I would have asked her to be my wife in an instant if she hadn't died. She would have made an excellent addition to my home." He flipped the screen over to show a long-haired Maggie talking about her skills. Rick gripped Lucille tightly, seething once again.

"Did you come to pay your respects?" a man behind Negan asked. Negan quickly turned around startled.

"Holy shit, you are creepy as hell! Scaring me with that freaky smile," Negan said to a slightly insulted Gabriel. The priest led the way to the graveyard, with Negan and Rick following behind him.

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