Part 56

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Thanksgiving had always been a time of family, food, and football for Harmony. As a preteen, she'd roll out of bed, take a quick shower, and steal sips of coffee while chopping onions and bell peppers. Cousins, aunts, uncles, and friends would trickle in around one and they would be chewing turkey by three. Old family memories retold, catching up and teasing all went down at the table that sat ten.

Thanksgiving this year wasn't going to be like the others. Harmony knew that just before a verbal invitation slipped out of her mouth during lunch with Laurent. It was something they started after the failed brunch with Wes. Every Wednesday, which they decided was the best time since they were both working on Congress Avenue, they had lunch at a little deli that smelled of pastrami, vinegar, and green chilies. It was probably the turkey on rye that made Harmony think of the holiday but before biting into her pickle she invited him to a Monroe Thanksgiving. At first, he said no. 

After downing their sandwiches, they quietly walked down the sidewalk filled with fast walking men in suits and multitasking women in heels until a red light stopped them at the intersection. "We're all adults. We know how to act." Harmony told before the orange hand signal shined on the monitor. Before she walked back in her office building Laurent said, "Alright, We'll be there." As Harmony rode the elevator she thought about telling her parents she invited the O'Connor's for Thanksgiving dinner but when she reached her floor she had talked herself out of it.

Thirteen bodies were crammed around the unstained pine table. Turkey, cornbread dressing, dirty rice, mustard greens, and candied yams sat in the middle of the table adorned with gourds.  Forks clacked ceramic, ice clinked against the glass and the only thing spoken started with Can you pass...  There was very little eye contact, which consisted mostly of side-eyeing, eye rolls, and death stares.

Samuel dropped his fork. "We didn't say what we're thankful for." He looked at his dad, who was centimeters away from him. Samuel was wedged between his dad and Alyssa at the table's corner. "How God blessed us."

Mr. Monroe glanced at his wife on the opposite side of the table. She shook her head and he mimicked her then plunged his fork in his cornbread dressing.

"Well, I'm thankful for this pie!" Ariel licked her lips cutting another chunk of the dessert.

"That's nasty," Samuel said looking at Ariel's plate mixed with entrees and dessert. He drew in his elbows trying hard not to bump into anyone.

"That's not polite." Harmony and her mom simultaneously uttered.

"I'm thankful for family." Harmony smiled uneasily. Her mother stopped shuffling her food around the plate to look at her. Her father slowly chewed setting his gaze past the table. Laurent looked at Harmony not saying a thing but the smile Cecelia gave her made some of her nerves melt away. 

"Which one." Alyssa blurted then slapped her hand over her mouth. She slowly raised her head to find all eyes were on her. "I said that out loud." Her wide eyes and flustered cheeks assured mostly everyone that her words were uttered by mistake.

"Yeah, you did," Lela said from the opposite side and the farthest end of the table. "But, at least you're aren't butting your nose into places you shouldn't be."

"Butting?"Safiya flicked the accusation off with a twist of her wrist. "If you wanted to keep your little problem a secret you shouldn't have pill bottles in Trey's medicine cabinet."

"Wait!" Trevor leaned over the table looking down at Alyssa. "You were snooping in my medicine cabinet!"

"Lela, what problem do you have?" Harmony asked with concern.

Lela pushed her chair out, "I've lost my appetite."

"She has—" Trevor's words stopped because of the angry glare Lela threw his way. "You claim they're your sisters you should tell them the truth."

A Necessary Struggle: Fall SemesterWhere stories live. Discover now