Part 39

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Harmony couldn't refute the fact that Alyssa was right. She had been MIA, with new parents popping out the woodwork and Wes drama she had more than her usual share of issues to deal with. So, she thought a lunch date would be the perfect opportunity to kill two birds with one stone. This wasn't any lunch date. No, it will be the first time Laurent and Wes met each other and hopefully form a bond. Laurent would know a little more about her and Wes would feel special, like the most important thing in her world and stop acting like a spoiled two-year-old feening for his binky.

"Be nice." Harmony insisted leading Wes through the rows of tables.

Wes pulled at the tie she picked out for him, "I'm going to be myself."

"Then be the nice form of yourself." She skirted around the bustling waiters zooming around with stacked trays.

Wes stopped walking and whirled her around. "I'm not going to be fake, Har."

"I don't want you to be fake." She smoothed out the creases in his suit coat wishing she ran the iron over it. "We're getting to know each other, Laurent and I." She stopped her busy hands letting her eyes connect to his. "And...I want things to go well."

A warm smile formed on Wes' mocha face as he tucked a stray strand of Harmony's hair behind her ear, "I'm not going to go over there and act like I'm fine with him being a liar absentee father."

Her stomach twisted a little tighter as she placed her hand on top of his, feeling his heat toast her cheek, "I want you to be yourself just don't call him an absentee father."

"Why not!" Wes slipped his hand away from her. "That's what he is!"

"No, he's not!" She nudged him in the shoulder. The white-haired lady sitting at the table next to where they stood looked at them. Harmony gave the woman a smile before turning her attention back to Wes. "It's complicated and I don't need you making it worse."

"Fine!" He threw up his arms. "I won't call him out but just so we're clear, I like Mr. Monroe." He walked off.

"I like my dad, too." She murmured to herself. "But I have two, now." She told him slipping her hand back in his.

A smile shined on Harmony's face and not one of those smiles you put on at a job interview or with the sales clerk at Macy's. No, it was the smile you had when you drove way over the speed limit and the cop rolls right past you or getting an eighty-two on the quiz you totally spaced out on.

Laurent caught the napkin that was on his lap as he stood, "I hope the traffic wasn't too much." He held arms wide.

"It was fine. Not more than I expected." Harmony fell into his embrace with ease like they'd been hugging for years and not just a couple of days. She pulled away from him and latched her hand around Wes' arm. "This is Wesley. My boyfriend." She pulled him to her side.

"Wesley." Laurent brimmed with excitement holding out his hand. "Nice to meet you."

"Hi." Wes dryly said shaking the older man's hand with less vigor.

Weak start. Not good. Harmony thought to herself moving things along by taking her seat. "So, I see you got started without us." She looked at the crumb-speckled saucer.

Laurent pushed the saucer away. "Just bread. Couldn't get breakfast this morning."

"The Hempstead case, right." Harmony opened the menu laying it between her and Wes. "How did it go?"

"Appeal denied." He replied with a shrug. "It happens."

Harmony leaned forward deeply intrigued. Caroline usually kept her out of the courtroom. "So, what's next?"

A Necessary Struggle: Fall SemesterWhere stories live. Discover now