Chapter 4 Where Are We Now?

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Chapter 4 Where Are We Now?

                Slowing down a little, right before she hit the rocky ground in a stone cave, Juliet realized the new room was even darker than the previous. Sitting up she rubbed her ankle. It was killing her; from being strangled, to fallen on, it was a throbbing mess.

                “Where are we?” she moaned, continuing rubbing her ankle.

                “An oobliette.” Grumbled Hoggle. He was fumbling in the dark doing who knows what, off to her left. The teenager stopped messing with her wound as she looked around to see what kind of pickle they were in. The only light was the few faint strands from the trap door a good twelve feet above, besides that there was nothing.

                “What is an oobliette?” Came the obvious question.

                “It’s a place where you put someone to forget about them.” explained the pixie, who was still hiding in her pocket. Julie dropped her head in her hands, trying very head not to completely freak out. Everything was starting to hit her and it wasn’t sitting well. Hoggle seemed to have sensed something was off because he asked hesitantly.

                “Are you okay?”

                “No.” She cried. “We’re both trapped, going in circles, and running out of time with every passing minute!” Wailing she threw her hands in the air.

                “Would you stop yelling? You still have eight hours and you’re nearly half way-”

                “Nearly half way?” She exclaimed, staring at him. “That means I’m less than half way with only eight hours left. I’m closer to dehydration and a sprained ankle than the castle, with a wounded fairy and a fairy murderer and my parents’ wrath to fear if I fail!” She started to hyperventilate. The act only startled her more. Before she hadn’t let the full weight of the matter hit her, but now, her lungs couldn’t seem to catch enough air. The fairy refused to come out of her pocket, scared by the words.

                “Snap out of it!” Hoggle shouted, actually slapping Juliet in the face. Gulping down a huge breath of air, she stared at the dwarf and breathed.

                “Thank you.” A moment passed, then. “Well then, how do we get out of here?” A light was struck as she asked the question. Hoggle was standing a few feet away with a candle that lit a good bit of the room. There were a few stalagmites scattered about along with some large rocks that were sure to trip those who wonder in the dark. The dwarf was just standing there, looking at the girl as if waiting for something.

                “We don’t.”

                “I don’t believe you.” was her counter. “There has to be a way to get out of here, besides going up.” Hoggle rolled his eyes before replying slowly.

                “Look, Juliet. I might know a way out, of course, for a price.” Now it was Julie’s turn to roll her eyes.

                “Okay, Rumpelstiltskin. What’s your price?” He stared at her for a second then said.

                “Uh… lets say your necklace?” Fingering the jewelry she thought about it for a moment then took it off and handed it over.

                “Fine.” Before Hoggle could grab her necklace, Juliet pulled it back adding. “But no double crossing,” she leaned over to look him in the face and said in complete seriousness. “If you even think of treachery I will not only take back my necklace I will take every bit of jewelry you own. Capisce?” She had absolutely no time for being set back anymore and she was working with someone who was notorious for his back stabbing. It wasn’t like she wanted to be so brash but he didn’t give her much of a choice. The male gazed at her with wide eyes and took the necklace nodding. As he neared one of the walls he grumbled to himself.

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