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Lisa works in an average office with an average desk and a computer. The desk is overrun with pictures of Jack. Pictures of him at every landmark. As she sits marking some report, she occasionally looks up at the pictures, checking that they are still there. Lisa picks up the office phone.

"This is Lisa Kincade. Oh, I'm sorry about the other day."

It's Lucy on the other end.

"Don't worry about it," Lucy says.

"Did you call that friend of yours?" Lisa asks.

"Yes, she is willing to talk to you."

"Great, when can we meet?"

"She's right here. I can put her on. Lisa, are you sure you want to do this? I mean, you may not like what you find."

"My son comes first. If I can help him, I have to try."

Lisa takes a deep breath trying to calm her anxiety as she waits for Lucy to pass the phone to her friend.

"Hi, are you there? My name is Gwen. How are you?"

"Good, thanks for speaking with me."

"Of course. Lucy told me a little about your situation. So you used Dr. Wade?"

"Yes, what do you know?"

"Well, I got treated at a different clinic by Dr. Grant."

"Did it take?"

"No. We, my husband and I,  had given up at that point. Dr. Grant told me if I wanted unconventional treatment that would almost guarantee a child, Wade was the way to go. He said he was very well funded for such a small operation."

"Why didn't you do it?"

"Because he also told me that Wade was kicked out of Harvard Med for running unethical studies. He is supposedly some kind of mad genius. Something about forcing twins to come to term."

"Twins? I don't understand."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Did you lose one of them?"

"Lose one what? What the hell are you talking about?" Lisa asks incredulous.

"Dr. Grant told me that all of Dr. Wades pregnancies were twins with 100% success."

"There must be some kind of mistake. I didn't have twins."

"Well, that's just what Dr. Grant told me. That's not why I didn't go with Dr. Wade, though."

"Well, why didn't you?"

"I caught him taking pictures of me while I was leaving the clinic. It totally freaked me out. I told Dr. Grant."

"Can you give me Dr. Grant's number? Forgive me if this is a little hard to believe. I would like to talk to him."

"Sure, but it won't do you any good," Gwen says. "He's dead."

"What do you mean he's dead?"

"Some kind of mysterious car crash."

Lisa pauses for a moment to process the information. She doesn't hear Gwen continue to speak on the other side of the line.

"Lisa? Are you still there?" Gwen asks.

"I've got to go. I need some air. Thank you for your time."

Lisa hangs up and hangs her head as she stands up. Her coworkers look at her for a moment and then go back to what they were doing. The office has a cold feel. She feels no consolation. She grabs her purse and cell phone and walks to the front of the office. Without making eye contact, she tells the person at the last desk that she will be back. They don't seem to care.

Lisa takes a deep breath of the outside air. She is replaying the conversation with Gwen in her mind trying to make some sense of it. It just seems all too far fetched. For a moment she thinks Lucy is playing a trick on her. An emotional practical joke to get her back from the time at coffee. She then thinks, no one is that mean, are they? She scans the parking lot trying to remember where she parked today. Out of the corner of her eye, something catches her attention. It shouldn't have, but something inside her made her pay attention. She turns to look, straining her eyes. It's a BMW. One that she's seen before. Nurse Nancy smiles as she drives by.

Lisa makes use of her knowledge of the parking lot and runs in the other direction. There is only one way out and Nancy will have to pull around the far side of the parking lot to get out. Lisa cuts through the middle and is there waiting. Blocking the only way out. Nancy sees her and steps on the gas, accelerating toward her. Lisa holds her ground thinking, is she crazy? Nancy is still speeding toward her. Lisa holds. Still coming. Lisa holds thinking about jumping to the side. Nancy slams the brakes. The tires peel all the way. The BMW logo stops about five inches from Lisa's thighs. Nancy sticks her head out the window.

"I didn't see you there, darlin," she says with a smile.

"What the hell are you doing here Nancy?"

Nancy gets out as Lisa walks towards her. She's trying to put herself between Lisa and something in the car. Lisa walks up to her and looks over her shoulder. She see a very expensive camera with an impressive zoom lens in the passenger seat.

"I just got turned around a bit, that's all." Nancy says, trying innocence as a tactic.

"Cut the shit, Nancy. Why are you stalking me?"

"What? I'm just running errands."

"Stop lying. I know about all of it. I know about Harvard and Dr. Wade and Dr. Grant."

"Shit. Look, I just do what I'm told."

"Is that why you drive a $100,000 car and wear a $50,000 watch?"

Nancy changes tactics. She is now offended.

"Well, what kind of mother are you? You leave your kid locked up in a cage to be studied. He's an animal. Who do you think did this to my hand?"

"What are you talking about? Jack's at a friend's house."

"Your little angel is in our lab. He has been since you gave him up to Dr. Wade."

Lisa examines Nancy's face for a moment. She is waiting for some kind of slip or tell, knowing this has to be some kind of joke. Nancy doesn't flinch.

"I... I have to go," Lisa says confused.

"Get some therapy, you crazy bitch."

Lisa goes to her car and speeds toward the exit. Nancy pulls the BMW out of her way, letting her out. Nancy immediately shuffles for her cell phone. "This is Dr. Wade. Leave me a detailed message. Thank you. Beep." Nancy leaves a frantic message. "It's me again. I need you to call me back. I think Lisa Kincade has finally lost it. She thinks her child is living with her."

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