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Dr. Wade's office is very clean in an obsessive compulsive way. For such a busy man there is nothing out of place. The books on the bookshelves are straight. The certifications, documentations and accreditations that speckle the walls are hung perfectly. The one window in the office is covered on the outside by the branch of what looks to be, coincidentally, a Jack Pine. He is a learned man. Surpassing the basic requirements of a M.D.

Dr. Wade is sitting at his desk tapping his digital recorder. Jack sits across the desk from him. There is a smug look on his face. Standing behind him is the orderly, Richard. Richard's arms are akimbo with medical dressing peeking out. His scrubs are bloodstained. He looks like a man who has not slept in a while. He looks like a man at the end of his rope. He can't be silent anymore.

"Dr. Wade, this kid should be put down like an animal," he blurts out.

"That will be all, we will talk later," Dr. Wade replies.

Richard turns and then turns back. He looks at Jack as if he is getting ready to say something.

"That will be all, Richard."

Richard leaves and slams the door behind him.

"Jack, you know it's inappropriate to bite people."

"I couldn't help it," Jack says sincerely.

"Explain what you mean Jack."

"I don't know, I see the bare skin and sometimes I just have to attack it."

Dr. Wade is taking notes in a large file that he opened once Jack started talking.

"Do you notice a smell or a feeling before you get this urge?"

"It makes me want a cigarette."

Dr. Wade writes that down. He looks up over his glasses. Not sure if Jack is serious. Like Jack's moment of honesty may have ended.

"Smoking is prohibited Jack, you know that."

"I can't help how I feel," Jack says with a smile.

There is a knock at the door. Dr. Wade looks up and the door starts to open. In comes a tall man in a tweed blazer, with elbow pads, everything you would expect in the quintessential psychiatrist. He walks in and reaches to shake Dr. Wade's hand. This is not their first meeting. They exchange niceties while Jack looks on. He speaks with a slight German accent. He has an air of Freud and smells of pipe tobacco.

"Dr. Wade, where shall we do this?" asks Dr.Wulf.

"Let's just do it here. I would like to observe if that is alright."

"It's irregular, however it should be fine."

Jack has a 'now what are they planning look' on his face. He sizes up Dr. Wulf in a very primal way. He is intrigued but not impressed. Dr. Wulf is a large man with broad shoulders. He carries with him an official legacy that Jack can't put his finger on. Like the whole medical community won't make a move without his approval. He may be the largest person Jack has ever met. This interests Jack. Dr. Wade starts things off.

"Jack please turn and face Dr. Wulf. He is going to ask you a few questions."

Jack turns his chair to face Dr. Wulf.

"Hello Jack, my name is Dr. Wulf as you have probably guessed. I wish to ask you a few questions. Please answer honestly."

"Do I get a cigarette for each correct answer?"

"Smoking is highly counterproductive to the needs of a growing boy. Besides, there are no right or wrong answers to these questions."

Jack seems to want to play along. He is still guarded, but the intenseness in his eyes have relaxed a bit. He reaches for a cup of water in front of him in a plastic cup. He takes a drink and sets it down. His attention then moves to Dr. Wulf.

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