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Jack's mother Lisa has always wanted to be a mother. For as long as she can remember. Several failed relationships were counterproductive to her goal of having a family. This is where Dr. Wade came in. He was a rogue fertility doctor. He came highly recommended in some circles. In others he was dismissed as a quack. A medical heretic. Lisa only cared about having a baby. Dr. Wade was willing to stretch his suspect ethics. This seemed right to Lisa.

Her pregnancy was a bit tough. Dr. Wade required an inordinate amount of visits and check ups. Lisa didn't mind because Dr. Wade was also willing to pick up the majority of the costs. She remembers the day of the Jack's delivery. It was the scariest and greatest day of her life. Her water broke, but then came the blood.

Dr. Wade was adamant during the third trimester that she deliver at his private clinic. He was diligent about checking on her. He wanted to induce labor, but Lisa didn't feel comfortable inducing. She made excuses for why she couldn't pick a date to deliver.

The ambulance came and took her to the hospital, which luckily wasn't far away. She called 911 when she started to bleed, ignoring Dr. Wade's instructions about the clinical delivery.

The three mile ride felt like a cross country road trip. When she arrived the pace was frantic. They brought her in directly to the delivery room. She remembers there was an urgency to get Dr. Wade there as well. The staff were very cultish about it. She heard "call Dr. Wade" about a thousand times until finally one of the nurses reassured everyone that he was almost there. Lisa kept thinking to herself, what's wrong with my baby? I can't lose this baby. One nurse comforted her and let her know it was just a little bleeding and the baby was fine.

Dr. Wade materialized in the delivery room like he had always been there. He was very serious and methodically preparing to deliver the baby that would soon be her Jack. Jack was the name of her favorite Irish immigrant grandfather. She always remembered how kind he had been to her during the break up of her family as a young child.

Dr. Wade has his hands raised from just being washed. A nurse comes over and puts rubber gloves on him.

"Is she prepped?" asks Dr. Wade.

"Yes, doctor," the Head Nurse says.

"Has anyone else examined her?"

"No, doctor, we waited for you as requested."

"OK, I'm going to need everyone to leave."

The nurses and attendants stop what they are doing and seem nonplussed.

"Was I unclear?" Dr. Wade asks. "I need everyone to leave now."

"Doctor, this is highly irregular," the Head Nurse replies.

"This is a highly sensitive birth, and no offense, but we can't afford any screw ups. It's better if I handle the delivery alone."

"But doctor."

"I will call if I need you."

The Head Nurse waves everyone out of the room. Dr. Wade is alone with Lisa. He goes to work. Dr. Wade starts giving Lisa the command to push. She pushes with everything she has. There is a lot of blood still. Lisa is starting to worry. He is feeling around her stomach. Though he seems very calm she is starting to lose faith in Dr. Wade. She starts to wonder why he made everyone leave. Thoughts of white slavery and container ships full of underage children being sold to some former Eastern Bloc country jump into her mind. Every horrible thought passes through her head about this situation. Then, she thinks, I just want a baby. My baby.

"OK Lisa, just like we talked about. I need you to push," Dr. Wade says thoughtfully.

"Please don't let me lose this baby."

"You won't if you do what I tell you, now push."

"Argggggghh," Lisa screams.

Dr. Wade is in position to deliver the baby. There is a lot of blood.

"I need you to push again."

"Why is there so much blood?" Lisa asks in fear.


Lisa screams again.

"I see the head," Dr. Wade says.

Dr. Wade grabs an anesthesia mask and puts it on Lisa.

"No.... I want to see my baby."

"You're doing great, now push again."

Lisa starts to fade. She fights it, she's scared. The anesthesia is too strong, even for a determined mother. She starts to fall asleep. Her last memory is the faint sound of a crying baby.

When Lisa comes to, she awakes frantic. She looks for her baby but she is alone. She looks toward the hallway and sees Dr. Wade arguing with someone. He is in a heated conversation with an older gentleman. Lisa screams out.

"Where's my baby?"

Dr. Wade looks and goes to her.

"He's fine."

"Where is he? Why can't I have him?"

"I have to run some tests. There are some concerns, but nothing major."

"I want to see him."

Dr. Wade smiles. As if almost for the first time.

"Give me a moment."

She is worried. She is staring at the door, refusing to take her eyes off it. Moments later Dr. Wade walks back in with a bundled-up baby. He hands the baby to Lisa.

"He's beautiful," Lisa says through her tears of joy.

"What's his name? Are you sticking with Jack?"

"Yes, he's my Jack."

Dr. Wade sits down next to Lisa on the bed.

"Listen Lisa, Jack has a special condition that may or may not show itself as he gets older."

"But you said he was OK," Lisa says, her joy turning to fear.

"He is, and it may be nothing, but I will need to monitor him into puberty... I'm sure he will be fine."

"He's so perfect," Lisa says while looking into his new eyes.

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