Ruby Tuesday Chapter 8. - The Life and Times of Ruby Teasdale.

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I took my time in the shower and then getting dressed. To my outfit I added a black sweatshirt, the storm had left a chill in it's wake.

Ruby was a Vampire, why hadn't I seen it before now? Now when I reconsidered everything, it was glaringly obvious there was something very different about her. She had heard the walkers coming hours before they arrived. She knew there was a storm cell developing over Atlanta.

She knew so many things and had so many skills. Not only could she adopt any mean of self defense from martial arts to combat techniques, she was also a fine cook, and played the piano like an Angel. I had heard her on one of my pre dawn wanders.

Did the woman even sleep? She ate, drank coffee walked in the sun without bursting into flames, yet here she was, with glowing eyes and fangs and the ability to bring people back from the brink of death.

I was worried about what the vampiric condition would mean for Salina. Would she awake ravenous for blood and looking for a throat to sink her teeth into. Or would she simply be a new and improved version of herself?

My musing's were interrupted by a gentle knock on the door. Jake stuck his head in.

"Ethan, you ready?"

"No," I replied, "Are you?"

He shook his head, "I went to look in on Sally, Ethan."


"Man, she looks dead, Ethan. She's pale, still, cold. Yet when I touched her, she moved and grumbled in her sleep like always. It's freaky." Jake rubbed his hands up and down his arms as if he were freezing.

"We'd better go, I need to ask some questions." I said, Jake looked uncomfortable. He was scared of anything paranormal, he wasn't taking any of this well.

"It'll be okay, let's go see what she has to say." I clapped him on the shoulder, and we left my room.

Ruby sat in the library waiting for the boys. She wished it hadn't happened the way it did, poor Sally getting savaged by a walker. She had no choice though did she? There was no other way to save her. Cutting her arm off had not been so much of an option, the bite was too high on her shoulder.

The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and cheery fire Ruby had lit in fireplace should have made her feel cosy and safe. However, all Ruby could feel was, cold, uncertain and the first twinges of grief were beginning to pull at her heart. She looked up the painting, a portrait of her, painted by a French artist who was visiting Atlanta. He had seen Ruby going into the dress maker's with her mother and two sisters. He had followed them, introduced himself, and offered to paint Ruby's portrait. He would take no money, but had insisted if her parents would allow him to dinner with them one evening, that would by payment enough.

Ruby's reverie was interrupted by the appearance of Ethan and Jake quietly coming through the door. Ethan looked expectant, Jake looked scared.

"Sit down fellas, there is coffee, and some more cinnamon rolls." Said Ruby, "When you are ready, I'll begin."

Jake and I entered the library I half expected to find Ruby there in a long black cape and candles burning. However she had lit a fire in the grate, warm light spilled from her beautiful Tiffany lamps, and the nutty smell of hazelnut coffee filled the air. There were warm cinnamon rolls on offer as well. Surprisingly at the smell of apple and cinnamon my stomach growled and I was suddenly ravenous. So was Jake, "Is it okay that I'm starving?" He asked.

Ruby laughed softly, "Of course it is, everyone is okay."

Jake nodded he grabbed a plate and put two rolls on it, I did the same, Ruby poured our coffee, sat back and said, "I was going to tell you all this tonight anyway, I'm sorry things went the way they did."

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