Ruby Tuesday Chapter 3 Ruby Tuesday

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We sped through the ruined streets of Atlanta. It was now looking the way I imagined it must have looked during the burnings of Atlanta in the civil war days. Burned out buildings, body parts strewn about, blood spatter everywhere. However there were the modern add ons of over turned and wrecked cars, a petrol tanker lay turned on it's side down the street we sped by. It was growing dark, which only intensified the ominous atmosphere of the place.

Zombies that had heretofore been zombiing along doing whatever they did in their spare time were now trying to shamble after our fleeing vehicle.

"Yikes!" Yelled Salina and wrenched herself side ways away from her window. I looked out through the window on the other side of the car, it was a day for weirdness in it's extreme. Approaching us flying throughout the ruined buildings came a walker. Or might I have described it as a knuckler?

It was racing along hooped over, running on it's knuckles like a mountain gorilla.

Unlike the reptile thing back at the CDC, this one had all the familiar walker traits, except for it's method of locomotion. It was swinging along on it's hands bringing it's legs through. And moving at an incredible pace.

It dashed into our path and Jake, unable to stop ran clean over the top of the thing. Salina was bounced up and down, but never uttered a sound. She was one tough lady. I turned to look out the back window, the gorilla zombie was lying in the road in an unlovely pile. Got him!

Or so I thought, as Jacob began screeching around yet another corner, I saw it unfold itself off the blacktop, shake itself, it's mouth opened letting out another inhuman roar, and it started after us again.

"We got trouble!" Jake said, pulling up short. We had been effectively cut off from any form of escape. A walker wall awaited us, filling the road ahead, and blocking our escape. They were starting to mass behind us as well.

"Get your weapons out, we have to fight!" Said Jake losing his seat belt and dashing around to the back of the truck.

"Wait Jake- can't we lay low in the car?" I asked.

"They'll bust the windows, they'll wreck it Ethan, we have supplies and air conditioning and transport. We have to fight to save it, we're as good as dead without it."he replied.

I nodded and got out, I grabbed my bow, my arrows and stuck my machete in it's leather holder.

Salina already had her sling shot out her ball bearings as effective as bullets on the soft squishy constitution of the walkers.

Soon they were on us and the fighting began. I shot and and shot and shot. As one walker tumbled more replaced them. The smell of them was starting to get to me. I could feel my stomach getting ready to heave up the small amount of food it contained.

I had no idea where Salina and Jacob were, they were lost in the melee of rabid corpses.

I was growing tired and weak, my quiver running out of arrows, soon I'd be down to my machete, it was strapped to my waist.

I needed a break, I fired arrows through two more, dead soulless eyed biters and dashed behind a dumpster to catch my breath.

After a moment of rest. I cautiously peeked over the top of bin. What I saw next defied everything I had come to know about the world in it's current state.

There, strolling down the road, right down the centre of it was a girl. Even though it was dark out she carried a black feathery parasol, she had curly red hair sitting softly on her shoulders.

She wore a long red coat, which like the rest of her was surprisingly clean. I glanced down at my ripped Levi's and paper thin t-shirt, I couldn't even remember it's original colour.

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