Ruby Tuesday Chapter 5 - BootCamp

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Dawn arrived after that first remarkable night in Ruby's mansion with a cool breeze and soft sunshine. I was dressing hurriedly, I could smell the intoxicating aroma of someone frying bacon, eggs and oh Lord Be Praised home style potatoes!

With my stomach growling like a bear I jammed my leg into the new jeans Ruby had provided, they were Levi501's and fit to perfection, the T-shirt was Abercrombie. The garments felt cool and fresh. It was then I realized why girls always went so nuts over new clothes. After months of only two pairs of pants and a couple of thread bare t-shirts the new clothing was like heaven.

I hurried down the hall, all but slid down the bannister and arrived in Ruby's sunny kitchen.

I was delighted to see Salina there, she was laughing at something Ruby was teasing Jake about.

She looked well, and rested. Ruby had done well with her wardrobe too, Sally was wearing a lovely sundress, summer green with tiny white flowers on it. It really added life and color to her hair and eyes.

"Morning Bambi!" Ruby said brightly. This was beginning to get to me, I had to ask.

"Uh, Ruby why Bambi?" I asked

She came around the counter with a plate piled high with wonderful looking scrambled eggs, bacon, pancakes and potatoes.

"Here sit," she pulled out a chair for me and gestured to me to sit down.

"Is this all for me?" I couldn't believe it, we used to have to make a feast like this last a week.

"Sure is Bambi, and why Bambi?" She grinned, "Well, you have that adorable deer in the highlight's look to you!" She kissed me on the cheek and ruffled my hair. Sally and Jake cracked up.

"Don't worry Ethan," said Salina "Thumper for me, as I'm as cute as a bunny, and Winnie for Jake, because he's the affable goofy type!" It was my turn to laugh, as did Jake in spite of himself.

"With the love, dear children, with the love!" Ruby declared.

"Yeah about that," I said after taking a bite of Ruby's excellent breakfast, and trying not to inhale the entire plate! It was that good! "What' s with all the dear children stuff? How old are you anyway Ruby? Twenty three?"

Ruby smirked, "I'm a lot older than I look." And something stirred in the recesses of my memory, and then slithered away as the food took centre stage again.

"Okay, Jake had told me we have a road trip ahead of us. But first you guys need some training. Those weapons of yours have kept you alive till now, but really guys, they'll be no match against a swarm if we run into one."

"Wait, we? Are you joining us?" I asked Ruby.

"But of course! I can't take care of you and feed you for a few days then send you out to the wolves. There are worse dangers than even the undead out there. Jake told me about the gent you're looking for, and your desire to try to find your family. I'm coming with you, but first I will train you, feed you and get you up to speed. Then, if we all make it through this little road trip, and you would like to, I would be pleased to have you and any of your family here to stay, as long as you like."

Wow! I was impressed, but why would she do all this? Did she have an agenda?

"You guys are like family to me already, and after what Jake and Sal have told me, we're the only family they have."

Ruby was right, I told you guys before about Jake's dad, but Salina's story was different entirely and much worse. The infection had hit her town hard. Mum and dad had gone to work, little sis to school, and they had all come home infected.

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