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So this was an idea I had when talking to a friend of mine about Supernatural. Includes decapitation and a cuss word or two.


Pacifica handed their scent cover to Dipper to cover himself with. He grabbed the axe and put it into the holder on his belt while Pacifica grabbed the katana, hanging it off her back. Dipper shut the trunk of Pacifica's car and they set off to go kill themselves a vampire.

Pacifica scrunched her nose at the awful smell coming from her and Dipper. The scent cover smelled completely disgusting, but she would rather smell like a sewer than be vampire food.

"So what's the story with this one?"

"It's apparently attacking anyone out at night and draining them of their blood completely. Children and elderly included." Pacifica answered.

Dipper sighed and said, "Well it won't after tonight."

Pacifica could barely make anything out around her. The back of her head was throbbing. She could just remember being hit with something blunt before blackness.

"Foolish boy. Thinking you could defeat me."

"We will defeat you, blood sucker. Even if it's the last thing we do."

She could see a bit better now and saw the vampire holding Dipper against the wall. Next to her, was Dipper's axe. Her katana was across the room. Pacificia slowly stood up.

"That's cute. You'll have a different outlook once I empty your veins."

Pacifica gripped the axe and carefully walked up behind the vampire with the axe held up high, ready to strike. The vampire barred his fangs and tilted his to the side, just moments from burying it's fangs into Dipper's neck. Pacifica felt the rage burning through her, giving her a rush of adrenaline. She swung the axe with all of her might, sending it's head flying twenty feet away.

"Fuck you, parasite." Pacifica said, wiping the blood off of her face.

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