Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

"So what are we going to do?" Mick questioned Snart, as they entered an old abandoned paper factory. I slowly got out of the car, and followed them. I couldn't believe I was actually doing this. That I was willingly following Snart into a creepy old building.

This is so messed up.

"We forget about it. All of it." Snart replied, "None of it is relevant to the plan anymore."

Mick mumbled a bunch of explicit words, and walked off to a different room in the factory. Saying something about none of this going as they planned.

Snart watched him leave, and then made his own way to a table. On it, were different weaponry of all kinds. Guns, knives, and objects I've never seen before.

It didn't make sense to me why he had all of these weapons when his freeze gun does the job without effort.

"I don't understand." I finally spoke up, after the entire ride here of keeping absolutely silent. "What was it that burned in the fire? What were you after?"

He sighed, "If you're going to stay here, you should learn to not ask questions."

I glared at him, "I never said I was going to stay here."

He turned his back to me, and began to load a handgun with bullets, "Then leave."

I glanced at the door, and contemplated whether I should obey and leave.

Something urged me not too.

I took a step closer to him and watched as he messed around with the handgun. "At least tell me who that man-" I couldn't even finish my sentence as he spun over and aimed the gun at my head.

I stared at the gun that was only a few inches from my forehead, and then I locked eyes with him. We glared at one another, as if daring each other to make a move.

I bit my lip, "You wouldn't kill me."

"What makes you so sure?" He asked, as he placed his finger on the trigger.

"Why did you bring me here if you were just going to kill me?" Honestly, I had no grantee that he'd spare my life. But I had to pretend to be confident.

Besides, I read somewhere that confidence is respectable.

He lowered the gun, "You are nothing but a beneficial asset. Don't get so cocky, or I won't hesitate to put a bullet in your skull."

I breathed, not sure of relief, or because of the ridiculous fact that I was right.

He wasn't going to kill me.

Deciding that I might as well entertain myself before I did piss him off enough to kill me, I began to look around the place. Everything was covered in dust, and cobwebs. Most the old machinery was too old to function, and covered in rust. This place, just like the previous building he had brought me to, is cold. It was so cold, it almost didn't feel natural. It shouldn't be this cold, unless somebody had purposely made it this way.

I wandered through the building, looking through a few rooms, and getting upset when some doors wouldn't open because they were rusted shut.

Eventually I gave up on the doors, and walked farther along the corridor. The entire building smelt horrific, and I noticed water drippings from the ceiling to the floor.

The place was practically rotting itself down.

There was an opened door a few feet ahead of me, so I decided to check inside. Snart is a criminal, whatever he has stashed away in these rooms could give me an idea on what he's planning. If I'm able to do that, I could warn Barry before innocent people get hurt.

I walked into the room, greeted by absolute warmth. This room was heated somehow, and my shivering body was thankful for it.

There were chairs in the room, and the lights were on, but nothing too important was in here. I noticed another door in the corner of the room, though it were shut. I walked over to it, and placed my hand on the handle to open it. I hadn't been able to even pull on it before it opened by itself. I stumbled backwards when out came Mick. He was carrying a huge gun-looking weapon that I've never seen before

He looked down at me, suddenly rage flashed through his face, "What the hell are you doing in here?"

Oh shit.

I quickly gathered myself, and tried to run away from him, but he took hold of my arm. I screamed as I tried to push him away from me. Suddenly the gun in his hands spat out a large gush of flames.

Really? A freeze gun, and now a fire gun? Do these freaks ever stop?

I screamed even louder, feeling the excruciatingly hot heat near my skin. Was I going to burn to death, just like that man that blew up that building? I pulled my arm away as hard as I could, but his grip was so tight, and I truly believe he was channeling some anger he had towards Snart, to me.

Every attempt I made to get away from this psycho, failed. "Let go!" I shouted, as he inched the flames nearer to my head.

"Mick!" Came a voice from behind me, "Let her go, now!"

"Why should I?" Mick responded, but did put out the flames. Yet, his grip was no lighter. "We can't let her leave, Len. She's pals with the Flash."

"Let me deal with that." Snart said, as he slowly walked towards us, and took hold of my other arm, pulling me towards him instead, Mick let go in the process. "Whether you like it or not, she's all we have to keep the Flash from ruining the plan. You hunting her like this, will make you the liability to everything we've worked for."

I never thought I'd be so glad to see Snart in my life. Even thought his grip wasn't much more gentle, I felt suddenly safer.

And that's saying something.

"You're going to get us caught."

"No, I won't.

"Don't be so confident." Mick said, as he walked back into the room in which he came, and slammed the door shut in front of us.

"Let's go." Snart said to me, as he pushed me out of the room, making me stumble slightly forward.

I didn't disobey.

We both walked down the corridor, in silence, but I was in near tears. I almost died in there.

I had been so concerned with making sure Snart and I had a truce, I had forgotten about Mick. He's more insane than Snart, there's no way he'd ever agree to not hurt me.

We made our way back to the entrance room, and Snart ordered me to sit on the floor, and stay out of trouble. I didn't like the idea of being treated like a dog, but I didn't object.

As long as Snart protects me from Mick, I'll gladly obey him -for now.

Though, I began to wonder what Barry was doing. If he was currently searching for me, or if the police had claimed I was Snart's 'accomplice'. I wanted to laugh at the thought. Me, Hayley Everett, being Leonard Snart's partner in crime.

If only the people of Central City knew the truth.

Then again, this wasn't a kidnapping. Snart offered me freedom, but I didn't take it, almost as if he knew I wouldn't take it.

Am I a victim right now, or am I part of the scheme?

These thoughts spun around in my head for what seemed like an eternity. No matter what happens, I hope Barry knows the truth, even if I don't quite know what the truth really is.

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