Chapter Seven

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I'm very sick today, guys. And since it's a Saturday, and I'm off work, I decided to dedicate the day to updating all my shitty fanfictions. 

So here it is! :D

p.s Sorry it's so short, I'm really tired 

Chapter Seven

Snart grabbed me tightly by my arm, and jerked me forward until we were inches apart. His grip on me was so tight, I felt the blood circulation in my arm completely cut off. 

He looked over at Barry, "You seem to have a fondness for this woman." He aimed the freeze gun at my head, "What would you do if I shot her right here, while you're standing there so helplessly in ice?"

"Snart, don't." Barry ordered, as he was still wincing from the ice that was has now froze up to his torso.

Snart smirked, "What an unfortunate way for a man to die." 

I stood completely still. I feared if I moved even the slightest bit, he'd pull the trigger. I didn't want to die, not yet.

"You don't have to hurt her, to get to me." I couldn't believe it. Even in the midst of dying, Barry was still pleading for my own life. It's like he didn't care about his own. 

If that wasn't the most noble and respectable thing in the world, I wasn't sure what was.

Maybe the Flash is a superhero after all.

There were police sirens in the near distance, which made Snart lower his aim of the gun. Relief flooded through me, as my tension relaxed the smallest bit. I watched Barry, as he was still trying to break from the ice. The only thought that came to mind, was that he shouldn't definitely be dead right now.  

But then again, he is some otherworldly being, his pain tolerance could be on a completely different level than that of a normal human's.

Snart scoffed, "Looks like that's my queue to get the hell out of here." With his hold still tightly on me, he bid the Flash farewell in the cockiest way, "I'm sure you won't mind if I hold on to your girlfriend for a while, right?"

I gasped, "What? Why do you need me for?"

Snart glanced at me, "You're my new assurance." He tugged on my arm as he began to leave, "Now let's go."

We both ran down the alley, well, he ran, I was practically dragged behind him. At the end of it, there was a black van waiting there on the side of the street. Snart opened the back doors, and shoved me in it, and then hopped in himself. There was another man driving the van, and instantly took off before Snart managed to shut the door.

"You took longer than expected." The man mumbled as his foot was pressed intensely on the peddle. He looked like a stereotypical villain if I've ever saw one. Tatoos, rough beard, bald, and tall and muscular. 

How odd it was that Snart looked nothing like him.

"I took the precise amount of time that was necessary." Snart defending himself, "Now shut the hell up and get us out of here."

The man ignored him, and looked at me through the front mirror, we held eye-contact for a mere two seconds before I shivered, and had to look away. "What's with the girl? I thought you said no hostages?"

A small, devious smile flashed across Snart's face, "She's not just a hostage, she's a gift." I winced as he patted my head, "She's going to be our next way to killing the Flash once and for all."

From the look of the man's face through the mirror, I saw how he was confused one moment, and suddenly outraged the next, "You didn't kill him!?"

Snart didn't seem phased by how angry the man sounded, "No, but I hurt him enough to give him a reason to fear us. This girl right here, is his lover."

No, I'm not.

"And she's going to force that wannabe hero right out of hiding."

His plan is a good one, if it didn't consist of the one, tiny, and important flaw that I'm not Barry's girlfriend. 

Of course, I wasn't going to tell him that, because if I did, he'd realize his mistake and decide he didn't have any use for me at all. And then I'd be dead on the streets with a block of ice as a head.

No thanks.

So, now I was going to have to pretend I was completely in love with Barry, just to keep the act up. 

That's going to be just great.

It's not like I know how to act in love anyway, I've never even been in love before.

I just hope Barry would know to play along when the time comes.

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