Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

It had been months since my encounter with Snart. After that, me and Barry went out for coffee a few times, and he explained to me the roots of his powers, but after that, we stopped seeing each other as well.

I assumed life just moved on, and it was time for me to forget about everything that has happened. I mean, who am I kidding, I'm never going to forget about being in S.T.A.R. Labs, and meeting the Dr. Wells.

But still, I had a life just as much as they did, and currently, it consisted on doing right with my job after the many days I took off. AKA my recovering days from what Snart had done to me in the first place.

My mother and I aren't on speaking terms after I called and told her I almost died. I confessed to everything -besides that whole part about The Flash and S.T.A.R. Labs. I told her about how I was kidnapped by a maniac named Snart, and that I could have died. . . multiple times.

Needless to say, she didn't believe a damn thing I told her, which was exactly as I had expected. She blamed my large imagination on my loneliness, and began to once again, go on and on about how I really needed a boyfriend. She claimed it was the 'sexual frustration' getting the best of me. Whatever the hell that means.

I finally found the nerve to tell her I needed a break from her bitchy attitude. To my surprise, she actually agreed. She said to "come back when I manage to grip hold of reality". Looks like I'll never come back.

I sat at my desk at work. I spend most the day here daydreaming as I stare out the window that was above my desk. The city was beautiful, especially when the sun rises. I could never understand why people like Snart would want to ruin it so badly.

Why can't people just let good things be?

I sighed and glanced down at the stack of papers waiting to be done. Suddenly the adrenaline and excitement -and most of all fear- of being kidnapped didn't seem to bad.

I know, I know. It's not like I'd actually prefer getting kidnapped, over the safety of my job. I'm not ungrateful, I'm just bored.

I don't wish to every have an encounter with Snart ever again.

My coworker, Conner came over. He had dark rings under his eyes, and looked as if he had gained at least fifteen pounds since the last time I actually took the time to notice him.

He's not exactly 'sane'.

"Hey, Hayley." He said, as he looked in a daze with his eyes glued to the dark liquid in his coffee cup.

"Oh, hey Conner." I said, as I gave him a sympathetic smile. I think everyone who worked here felt sorry for him. He practically had the words 'all alone' engraved on his forehead.

Actually I think the only reason he got the job was because our boss bad for him.

"How's your stepdad?" I couldn't think of what to say, so I awkwardly thought of the only thing I knew to do at a situation like this.

Small talk.

"He died, like, seven weeks ago."

"Oh." Has it really been that long since we last talked? Last I remember, his dad was in the hospital from a suicide attempt. "I'm sorry to hear that."

"Yeah, no, it's cool. It's totally cool. I'm fine."

He didn't look fine, but I didn't push it. I cleared my throat, and resumed back to my paperwork, -at least I tried to look like I was busy so he wouldn't continue on talking to me. It didn't work.

I felt Conner's eyes glued to me for several minutes (and yes, I counted). I shifted uncomfortably more times than it seemed normal. Finally, I turned back to him, forcing a smile that clearly read "go the hell away". "Can I help you, Conner?"

He shrugged, and placed something on my desk. I examined it for a moment to see it was a package. "This came for you. It was mailed here like, I don't know, yesterday? I don't really care." He sighed, "You know it's not a good idea to give people this address for your mail. That's got to be like, illegal or something."

I frowned, "I didn't give anyone this address. I don't understand why this would be for me." I poked the package, suddenly aware of my surroundings. I never get packages, and I haven't told anyone besides my family where I work. It wasn't right that this was sent here, with my name clearly written on it.

"I'm not lying." He suddenly sounded incredibly offended.

"I never said you were, Conner."

"Good, because I'm not."

We locked eye contact for a moment, "Well, you can go on now."

He looked down at the package, as if he really wanted to know what was inside but nodded, and left. As soon as he did so, I gently touched the package, afraid of what might be inside. I pulled it closer to me, and slowly began to tear the brown paper off it.

I took a deep breath, as I unwrapped a styrofoam container. I new very well the kind of things mysterious styrofoam containers held. Body parts. Bombs. Poisonous substances. Literally anything from a horror movie.

But that didn't stop me from opening the lid.

My heart dropped quicker than a solid stone. The container held a block of ice. Inside the ice was a cellphone, and not just any cellphone, but my old cellphone that I had lost when Snart abducted me.

I gasped loud enough for everyone in the room to hear. I didn't feel safe anymore. I felt I was being watched.

I probably am being watched.

I quickly stood up, and cautiously headed for the elevator with the container of ice in my hands. I had to get out of here, and back to S.T.A.R. Labs. Barry would know what to do. Once again, I have to trust my life in his hands, but this time, I didn't hesitate to it. It was clear Snart is watching me, probably at this very moment.

If he knows my name, and where I work, God knows what else he found out about me.

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