I Don't Care If You're Contagious

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Chapter Fourteen: I Don't Care If You're Contagious


I was revising in the school library during my free period trying to get my head around facts and figures for the upcoming History test. Usually Rose would study with me, but she was having a meeting with her art teacher about coursework or something. The library was quiet and gave me time to think about everything that had happened to me since coming to San Diego.

I'd come here to prove myself to the older hunters that I belonged in their club, but nothing I did ever seemed good enough for them and it was starting to take a toll on me. I was meant to keep my distance and spy on Rose, Oliver, and Austin but I'd done something I shouldn't have. I made a best friend in Rose, and friends with Oliver and Austin. I'd never had friends my own age before, especially peers who accepted me and made me into a better person.

I didn't expect to fall in love either, but I'd fallen head over heels for a small Mexican who takes my breath away every time he holds me in his arms and kisses me. As a hunter, we weren't supposed to have a relationship with a non-hunter, but Vic was worth breaking the rules for.

"I know your secret Quinn."

Austin whispers in my ear making me tense up and freeze. How did Austin know my secret? I hadn't told anybody.

"Err what secret Carlile?"

"My god you should see your face Kellin, you look like you're about to shit yourself. I know about you and Vic dating man."

He bursts into laughter and slaps my back. I let out the breath I'd been holding, so Austin didn't know my real secret which was a relief because he wouldn't be smiling and laughing with me. He'd wolf out and rip my head off.

"Now we just need to get you and Rose together Austin."

"That would be nice Kellin, but I know I have competition. Unless you put in a good word for me."

He winks and nudges me in the side before getting up and leaving the library with a small spring in his step. Shaking my head, I turn my attention back to the books when my phone vibrates on top of one of the textbooks with a message off Alex.

Alex: The hunters are coming so prepare

He couldn't have sent a more ominous message.

"I know your real secret Quinn."

I jump out of my skin as Vic emerges from the shadows and snatches my phone from my hand. He starts to scroll through my messages with Alex and the other hunters, but now I was confused as to how he knew about my other life.

"How do you know Vic?"

"I'm a psychic Kellin and can get inside people's heads, but on that first day in the school office I couldn't read you and it concerned me. Then when we kissed and made a connection your barrier fell and I saw your initiation in the hunter world."

I knew there was something different about Vic, he wasn't a vampire or werewolf like Oliver and Austin and he wasn't exactly human because he seemed too invested in the supernatural world. But I never pegged him as being psychic.

"I know you're here to spy on Rose, Austin, and Oli, and then you report back to the hunters so they can plan their attack. Don't lie to me anymore Kellin. How could you be a wolf in sheep's clothing?"

Vic sounded so disappointed in me; he wasn't angry which shocked me. Everyone had welcomed me with open arms and I'd been betraying them from the start.

"At first I thought I wanted to be a hunter Vic, it was all I knew growing up. But they never showed me respect and treated me like I was inferior hence why they would send me on spying missions. I'd never been allowed to have friends my own age, let alone fall in love with a non-hunter Vic. But being here in San Diego has opened my eyes and I'm having second thoughts."

Vic's face softens and he sits down next to me and hands me the phone back.

"Do you mean it Kellin? Are you really switching sides?"

I nod, "Jack, Rian, and Zack are wildcards and aren't afraid to kill Rose in the crossfire whereas Alex wants to keep her safe when the final fight comes. I've never had a best friend like Rose before and I'll be damned if any harm comes her way."

Vic's face drops again and I know this time it has nothing to do with me.


"I have something to confess Kellin, I saw something disturbing in Rose's future when the fight comes to San Diego."

I couldn't keep it secret any longer I needed to tell someone. Kellin might betray my trust and tell the hunters, but I needed to believe that my boyfriend had my back.

"What did you see Vic? And why haven't you told Rose?"

I bow my head, "Rose gets caught in the crossfire and dies, but she becomes a hybrid. Half vampire and half werewolf."

Kellin takes my hand, "that's a good thing then Vic, she lives."

I shake my head, "I've never heard of a person surviving the transition. I'd rather Rose die a human than have to suffer through an even more painful transition which will result in an even more painful death Kellin."

I dare to make eye contact with Kellin, show him the fear in my eyes. He continues to hold my hand.

"I'll help you stop Austin biting her and Oli feeding her his blood. We'll get her away from the fight no matter what it takes; she'll get out of this alive. But Vic you really should tell her, she has the right to know her fate."

Kellin was right, Rose did have the right to know. If she knew it would be better, but then one thing bugged me.

"Kells if I tell Rose it will mean spilling your secret and Austin and Oli won't be happy, and Rose might not even want to be your friend anymore. I can't lose you Kellin."

"Vic you can't be selfish for your own gain. If Rose chooses to hate me then I'll live with it. Everyone deserves to know the truth so that together we can come up with a plan to take down the hunters together."

I was shocked at how okay Kellin was with making his secret known to the others. But he was right, I couldn't potentially put my best friend who I've known for longer in danger because I wanted to keep my boyfriend happy. Kellin knew he'd made his bed and now he needed to sleep in it. I didn't want him to end up dead either. Sometimes being physic sucks.

Ghosts | Oliver Sykes/Austin Carlile/Vic Fuentes/Kellin Quinn/All Time LowWhere stories live. Discover now