Bite My Tongue

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Chapter Thirteen: Bite My Tongue


I was having a day to myself and had decided a nice stroll in the park would help me clear my mind, allowing me to figure out what I wanted. Whether I wanted Austin or Oliver. Or if I wanted to become a werewolf or vampire. It wasn't a decision to be made lightly and both guys seemed to be piling the pressure on me to choose when I didn't know what I wanted. Vic was the middle ground, telling me he'd help all he could but due to his role in playing peacekeeper between the vampires and werewolves he couldn't make my final decision for me.

There wasn't a single soul in the park which surprised me. It was late afternoon and there should have been kids on the playground and people walking around the pond. The park was dead, but I didn't think anything of it because the sky overhead looked overcast and it could rain at any minute.

To my left a twig snaps in one of the bushes making me jump, it was this park that I was kidnapped from years ago so I was allowed to be on edge. When I saw nothing was coming out at me I continued walking down the path with my hands in my pockets to keep myself warm. Then footsteps came up behind me and next thing I know something is put over my head blocking my sight, and before I can scream or kick someone picks me up and knocks me out in one swift movement.

Opening my eyes, I flinch as a shooting pain engulfs my head. Whoever had knocked me out had hit me quite hard. Wherever I was the lighting was dim and near non-existent, and when I tried to move my body, hands and legs I found myself restrained to a chair. I really needed to stop going to that park, this was the second time someone had kidnapped me.

A mechanical hum draws my attention to the right, and I stare in horror at some machine I was attached to by the arm, which appeared to filling empty blood bags with my blood. This was the reverse of what you got in the hospital and took me by surprise. Someone had kidnapped me to drain me of blood, at least I knew it couldn't be the hunters.

"Technology is truly beautiful Rose, isn't it. In times past it was hard to extract blood from a human body and be able to store it in blood bags to drink at a later date without the blood going off and tasting foul. But now, I hook you up, turn the machine on, and let it extract your blood into a cooled blood bag to be stored for later usage."

I jump back as much as I can in the chair as Josh's face appears in front of me grinning like a maniac. He places his hands on either arm of the chair leaning in close until I could feel his breath on my face making me shiver.

"Why are you doing this Josh? I'm confused."

Josh sniggers, "Oliver can't have a mate if she's dead, and with no mate, he'll have to hand over control of the coven to me."

"Then why didn't you just kill me in the park and get it over and done with. Why do you need or want my blood?"

Josh strokes my cheek, the gesture repulsed me.

"Because I had one taste of your blood and thought this is delicious, and I can't quite put my finger on why. But now I'm going to have a lovely fresh supply, I already have a half full cooler behind you, Rose. It won't be long until you die, and now your conversation bores me so I'm going to go and will back when your good as dead."

If I had control of my hands I would have slapped the vampire senseless, but I didn't have control so I couldn't stop him leaning forwards and pecking my cheek. In the eyes of Josh, I was a loose end and a tasty meal, he was one sick in the head vampire. Josh all but skips out of the room whistling to himself like nothing was wrong, today I'd seen another side to vampires that I didn't know existed and quite frankly I wasn't thrilled by the idea of potentially turning into Josh if I chose the undead life.

Ghosts | Oliver Sykes/Austin Carlile/Vic Fuentes/Kellin Quinn/All Time LowWhere stories live. Discover now