A Love Like War

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Chapter Two: A Love Like War 


I was sat in the living room watching Supernatural sipping at the hot chocolate Alex had made me. He walks in finishing off a glass of water before putting the glass on the coffee table in front of me.

"Why do you watch this show, Rose?"

I shrug my shoulders and pause the action on the screen. I was rewatching the season five finale 'Swan Song' which was my favourite episode of the whole show, okay it made top three alongside 'Changing Channels' and 'The French Mistake' but I didn't have time to explain all that to Alex.

"Sam and Dean Winchester are sexy and they kick supernatural butt dad. You wouldn't understand their awesomeness."

"I'm just popping to the store; do you need me to get you anything Rose?"

I shake my head. I wanted him to leave. The glass on the coffee table was what I was most interested in. Alex leaves the house; he'd be around forty minutes so that gave me plenty of time to put my plan into action.

I'd ordered a DNA test kit online and now I just needed to swab the glass Alex drank from to get some of his DNA to test against mine, to see if he really was my dad. If we matched I'd confront him about what I overheard in the kitchen, but if it came back as a none match then I'd have to find a way to get out of here and find my real family even if that meant getting on a plane to San Diego.

I put Alex's swab into the envelope along with mine and wait eagerly by the front window for the postman to come up the drive to deliver the mail. Perfectly timed the postman walks up the drive sorting through letters, I hop off my perch and open the front door startling the poor man.

"Here's your mail miss, anything you'd like me to post for you?"

I nod and hand him the envelope which he doesn't question, I mean he sees hundreds of letters every day so mine probably didn't stand out amongst the weird shit he'd seen during his years on the job.

"Thanks have a nice day."

I close the front door and put the next stage of my plan into action. Zack was a computer whizz and had taught me how to wipe my search history and hard drive so that no one could ever track down what I'd been looking at on the internet. Alex said it was a bad idea, but I didn't have my own laptop so used his and this way he thought I was being innocent on the internet.

Finding the laptop in the office I bring it into the living room and fire it up. I was curious to find out more about my birthmark, because the way the four of them spoke about it made me curious to see if it had a meaning or something.

I typed in a description of my birthmark into Google and hit search, I didn't expect to find anything on the popular search engine but I was wrong. On the seventh page, a website caught my eye; it said in the small description that it had histories of birthmarks. So I clicked on it without a second thought.

There was an encyclopaedia of birthmark images each with a meaning attached to them. I just had to scroll down the hundreds submitted until I came across one similar to mine. My birthmark was a circle with three small dots inside, it would look pretty cool as a tattoo if you asked me.

After ten minutes of searching, I stumbled upon a picture of a birthmark which looked eerily similar to mine, except it had two dots inside the circle instead of three. Clicking on it I scan the small description only picking up pieces of relevant information to me.

According to this site my birthmark could have multiple dots inside it; one dot represented me while the others stated how many supernatural creatures I was linked to. So I was linked to two supernatural creatures who could be anywhere in the world. Then I remembered what I told Alex when I was six about Austin's parents saying we were going to be together when we were older, and then the guys mentioned Austin being a werewolf and me potentially being his mate if they hadn't taken me away from my old life.

So if Austin represented one of the dots, who represented the other? This was a lot more complex than I was hoping for. Deleting the search history and hard drive I decide to have a nose at what Alex last did on the laptop, hopefully, it wasn't porn.

It turned out Alex had been watching home videos. Alex was one of those people that liked to document everything and trust me he videoed every little thing I did growing up. It was kind of cute, but not so much anymore.

"Anyone home?"

Zack's voice echoes through the house and I shut the laptop lid as him and Jack walk into the living room. Jack jumps onto the sofa next to me and takes the laptop from me, he was just as nosy as me.

"You looking at home videos Rose?"

"Yeah, there are some gems in that folder. Alex really did film everything and could he be anymore overprotective of me?"

Zack snorts, "remember when you were ten Rose and I tried to teach you how to skateboard against Alex's wishes and you scraped your knee bad? Jack had to patch you up and we kept it hidden from Alex for like a week before he found out and blew up at Jack and me for injuring you."

It was a pretty memorable experience that brought a genuine smile to my face remembering that day six years ago.

"At least now six years down the line I can stand on one without falling off thanks to my amazing uncle Zack."

I high-five Zack just as the front door opens signalling Alex's return or possibly Rian showing up to join our little party. It was Alex back from the shops who nearly jumped out of his skin when he rounded the corner not expecting Jack or Zack to be here.

"No seriously guys feel free to just walk into my house like you own the place."

Jack and Zack laugh at Alex's attempt to sound tough.

"Thank you very much, Alex, I think we'll make ourselves comfortable and go back to talking to Rose about home movies and how much of a control freak you were, well still are."

Alex gasps faking hurt, "I wasn't that controlling, I was being a dad."

"Yeah, an embarrassing dad Alex." Zack chuckles and nudges me in the side.

"I never once embarrassed Rose. Tell them Rose."

I shake my head and stand up not wanting to be a part of the brawl that was about to take place between the three of them.

"Sorry, dad you were kind of embarrassing."

Just as I predicted my words sent Jack and Zack into a fit of uncontrollable giggles which enraged Alex, who put the shopping bags on the floor before lunging at the two laughing males on the sofa. I scoot away to stand by the discarded shopping bags as Alex, Jack and Zack start play fighting like children.

"Did I miss something Rose?"

Rian walks up behind me and puts a hand on my shoulder. I should have jumped, but Rian was a ninja and liked showing up unannounced to scare us all shitless.

"Just boys being boys. Rian, do you want to get out of here?"

Rian nods.

"How about I take you to get ice cream kid?"

My eyes light up at the mention of ice cream. I might be sixteen but I got a bit too excited whenever I got taken to the ice cream parlour because I just loved ice cream so much, especially all the toppings and sauces I'd get to choose from.

"Yay ice cream lets go. My family really is one of a kind Rian."

Rian smirks muttering something under his breath that was inaudible, but I managed to pick out one sentence.

"You have no idea kid."

Ghosts | Oliver Sykes/Austin Carlile/Vic Fuentes/Kellin Quinn/All Time LowWhere stories live. Discover now