Bad News

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Evelyn managed to drag her tired and weary body to bed only after Leviathan finally tired of kicking Evelyn’s curled up body and told her she was done for the day. And Evelyn wasted no time quickly getting up and limping as fast as could to Asmosdeus’s room. Once there Evelyn tossed her knife in the direction of the nightstand, and shuffled over to the bed. Collapsing onto it when she got close enough and wincing as her landing aggravated one of many bruises decorating her body.

            Evelyn sighed, kicked off her shoes and then lay very still on the bed, hoping that the lack of movement would make the pain go away.  After a few seconds Evelyn released that was a futile endeavor and after another sigh she slowly and carefully turned over onto her back, closed her eyes and tried to sink into the mattress. After a few minutes of staring at the inside of her eyelids Evelyn finally drifted off into sleep.


            Evelyn threw the dagger she had in her left hand and watched as Leviathan moved her head to avoid gatting a dagger in the eye and then Evelyn jumped and rolled to move out of range of the swords the Leviathan threw back in retaliation.

            “You’re getting better at this.” Leviathan noted as she walked over to the wall to retrieve her sword that was imbedded into it.

            “Well I have to, since you’ve been making me do this day and night for days and to mention showing up at random times to “test my reflexes”.” Evelyn said, slowly getting up while putting the Tantō knife back into her sheath that was attached to her waist.  “So I didn’t have much of a choice in the matter, it was either get better or die.”

            “Aww, I wouldn’t have killed you.” Leviathan said as she collected another sword. “Severely injure maybe, but never kill. “ Leviathan gathered the last sword, which was buried to the hilt in the dirt. “Asmodeus wouldn’t be very happy if he returned and you were in pieces.”

            “Speaking of Asmodeus,” Evelyn began as Leviathan made her way to a table in the corner where she carefully placed the swords down. “Have you heard and news about the soldiers?”

            Leviathan picked up one of the swords and began to clean it. “No we haven’t heard anything yet.”  She said without turning around and, just as Evelyn opened her mouth, she added. “And when we do you will be first to know, so go get yourself some found and get some rest. We will be practicing some more later.”

            Evelyn groaned. “Awesome.” She mumbled, and then paused as she was turning to leave. “And thank you.” Evelyn said and Leviathan waved her sword in acknowledgement.

            Evelyn nodded and made her way out of the colosseum. On her way back to Asmodeus’s room she stopped by the kitchen and ate a little meal. After Evelyn finished her meal and was in the room she laid down on the bed. And as Evelyn managed to reduce the number of bruises she collected today, this time it was so much simpler falling asleep.


             Evelyn opened her eyes to a forest. She was lying on her back and all she could see were snarled, twisted and barren trees reaching for the stars. Evelyn flexed her finger and felt the leaves and twigs beneath her scrape against her palm, and felt the dirt beneath her fingertips. Evelyn knew she was dreaming, but that didn’t seem to make a difference since she couldn’t seem wake up. Evelyn continued staring at the sky until she knew it was time to stand up. As Evelyn stood up she noticed that the ground beneath her feet was wet, it was only when she looked around did she realize why the ground glistened red underneath the starlight. A few feet away lay a body that all the red liquid belonged to, and where blood was spreading from in ever increasing circles. The blood seeped from the headless stump of the neck and from various gashes in the armor clad body. Evelyn heard a thud and quickly looked behind her to see another headless body crash to ground. Another sound, this time a clash of metal, and Evelyn turned around again.

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