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In the big city, the flashy white and mint green car the bearded man owned sped through the streets, passing through green light after green light. Then, as it approached a building, it skidded to a stop, and the engine shut off.

Inside the trunk of the car, there was a black bag. Inside the bag, Daphne Blake and Braedimus Prime were huddled together, the former feeling afraid of what is going on. Then, they heard the trunk open, and they knew the man took the bag, and knew he was going somewhere.

Braedimus opted to take a peek, and saw the man was walking under a red awning of a big building. As he looked ahead, both he and Daphne saw a small black painted sign on the glass door. They both silently gasped in shock, as the man walked into the building, and the glass door closed behind him.

The black sign read 'NO CHILDREN ALLOWED'.


At the Martin house, the toys and Naomi were all gathered in Braedey's bedroom, and were all starting up an investigation about who the kidnapper was that stole Braedimus and Daphne.

After Naomi found out about Buzz and Woody being alive, she was introduced to the other toys, and they all got along with the Martin woman. She was friendly to them, and she wished to help them get their friend back.

Right now, Hamm was standing on some blocks, along with Etch, the sketchpad, who had a drawing of both Braedimus and Daphne next to one another on the screen, and on the top right of the screen, there was the writing 'Exhibit A', indicating that they're the first item. The other toys were gathered around, along with Naomi, who had her legs up to her chest, and her arms were hugging them.

"All right." Hamm then sighed. "Let's review this one more time. At precisely 8:30-ish, Exhibit A, Braedimus Prime, and Daphne Blake, were kidnapped. Exhibit B..." At that moment, Etch shook the picture of both Prime and Daphne off, and drew a composite sketch of the kidnapper, but the image a large beard. "...a composite sketch of the kidnapper."

"He didn't have a beard like that." Bo Peep told Hamm.

"She's right." Naomi nodded.

"Fine. Etch, give him a shave." Hamm told Etch, who erased the image, and drew in the kidnapper again, but this time, without the beard.

"The kidnapper was bigger than that." Slinky then interjected.

"Oh, picky, picky, picky." Hamm sighed.

"Let's just go straight to Exhibit F." Mr. Potato Head told Hamm. In front of him, there was a mock-up crime scene of the house and the street. "The kidnapper's vehicle." McQueen was being the kidnapper's vehicle for the demonstration. "Now, the vehicle fled the scene in this direction." He pointed to his left, and McQueen rolled towards Potato Head.

"Your eyes are in backwards." Hamm interjected. "It went the other way." McQueen then flipped himself around, and drove the other way.

"Hey. Put a cork in it." Potato Head snapped.

"How do you spell FBI?" Rex asked, holding up what was a letter, as he walked right through the 'crime scene', wrecking it.

"My crime scene!" Potato Head yelled, and clenched his fists in anger at Rex.

"Oh, why don't yo watch where you're going, Godspilla?" Hamm fumed.

"I didn't know there was a crime scene." Rex said.

"Excuse me. Excuse me." Buzz and Woody's voices got everyone's attention, as they all saw the two at the far side of the bed. "A little quiet, please. Thank you." Then, they walked behind the bed.

"Huh?" Naomi looked at the toys, and they seemed confused also. They all looked around the side of the bed, and saw the Space Ranger and Cowboy, with Mr. Spell, and the letters 'LZTYBRN' that were on the license plate.

"Lazy toy brain." Mr. Spell said, as both Buzz and Woody punched in a set of letters to see what the letters on the license plate could mean. "Lousy try, Brian."

"Buzz? What are you and Woody doing with Mr

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"Buzz? What are you and Woody doing with Mr. Spell over there?" Naomi asked.

"It's some sort of message encoded on that vehicle's I.D tag." Buzz explained.

"Liz try bran." Mr. Spell spoke out, and Woody tried typing something in.

"It's just a license plate." Potato Head told Buzz. "It's just a jumble of letters."

"Yeah, and there are about 3.5 million registered cars in the Tri-County Area alone." Hamm added.

"Lou's thigh burn." Mr. Spell spoke, and Buzz groaned in disappointment. He and the others are nowhere nearer of getting their friends back.

"Oh, this can't help." Potato Head groaned. "Let's just leave Buzz and Woody to play with their toys."

Buzz then had a brainwave. "Toy. Toy. Toy. Hold on!" He told the others, and both he and Woody began to type on Mr. Spell's keyboard. The others watched the dynamic duo type away, and finally, Buzz pushed the 'Speak' button on Mr. Spell's keyboard.

"Mr. Spell, what did they type down?" Naomi asked. Her answer was...

"Al's Toy Barn."

"Al's Toy Barn?" The other toys were rather shocked and wondered what this could mean.

Naomi picked up the feather that was next to Buzz, and looked at it with a slight wonder. 'Hmm. Maybe...' She thought, and looked over to the sketchpad. "Etch. Could you draw that man in a chicken suit, please?" She asked.

Etch acknowledged, and shook his screen, erasing the previous image. Then, as everyone looked, they watched him draw the image, and to their shock, it was the chicken man from the 'Al's Toy Barn' commercial. It was Al McHiggin himself!!!

"It's the chicken man!!" Rex screamed out.

"I should've known." Naomi growled.

"That's our guy." Buzz agreed.

"I knew there was something I didn't like about that chicken." Hamm narrowed his eyes at the picture of the man in the chicken suit.

"Now, we know who kidnapped Prime and Blake." Woody said. "Now, where could they be?"

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