she smiles

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Lazlo could not get the thought of that girl out of his head. He wanted to see her again.

It was a week after he listened to her in spoken word and he discovered her name was Riley.

He didn't get to speak to Riley after her performance because by then his friends called looking for him and with reluctance he left to the right address.

Despite setting, his mind was still on her. Attempting to summon her. He couldn't get her smile out of his mind. He could see her dark skin in that white t-shirt and he wished he didn't leave. He could still hear her voice, that slight accent, but not the common New York accent, she sounded Cambodian.
She was an enigma and Lazlo was intrigued.

It seemed quiet for once in the boisterous city as he thought of Riley. He could hear his footsteps pattering on the uneven sidewalk.

He walked without intent and when his feet brought him to the seashore, he was genuinely surprised. He saw a girl in his peripheral making figures in the sand with a stick.

He made a place in the sand, utilizing his jacket as a makeshift towel, and sat.
He waited as if Riley would come out of the water and into his arms as the sun passionately set in fiery reds, bright oranges, and pigmented yellows.

Half the sky turned a livid blue and Lazlo nodded his head in concurrence.
"I can relate," he said.

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