.01 - The Reyes Family

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The Bittersweet aroma of freshly made coffee coaxed Charlie out of her slumber. She rose from her cotton sheets and stretched her arms, letting out a big yawn. Rubbing her tired eyes, she stood up from her bed and made her way over to her small walk-in closet. 

Sifting through all her clothes, she settled upon light-washed jeans that were slightly ripped at the knees, a loose white tank top and an army green cargo jacket. When she was finished changing, Charlie walked over to her vanity mirror and put in her contacts before applying a single coat of mascara and peach-tinted chapstick. 

Charlie's room was on the first floor, so as soon as she opened her bedroom door, the bittersweet aroma intensified, luring her into the kitchen where her mother was waiting with a fresh mug filled three quarters of the way with deep brown coffee

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Charlie's room was on the first floor, so as soon as she opened her bedroom door, the bittersweet aroma intensified, luring her into the kitchen where her mother was waiting with a fresh mug filled three quarters of the way with deep brown coffee. 

"Thanks mom." Charlie smiled at her mother as she handed her the mug. 

"Of course sweetie, the creamers are in the fridge." Charlie smiled once again at her mother's thoughtfulness and opened the fridge door. She grabbed a single-serving container of french vanilla coffee creamer and poured it in to her coffee, changing the color from a deep brown, to a caramel. 

Charlie took a seat next to her father on the kitchen table where a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon was awaiting her. Michael, her father, was reading through the latest edition of Beacon Hills' newspaper while sipping his own dark brown coffee. Charlie did a double take when she saw the article written on the front of the paper and leaned in to get a closer look.

"'High school student Lydia Martin found near the woods after three days of wandering in the nude. Authorities say that Martin has no memory of what happened during these three days, however her mental and physical health remain intact.'" she read from the paper. 

"Lydia Martin, isn't she one of your friends, Char?" Charlie glanced up at her Dad and nodded. Lydia and Charlie have been good friends ever since the seventh grade when they both wore the same pair of black flats to school. If it were anybody else wearing the same shoes as her, Lydia would've seen them as competition. However, Charlie's bright, welcoming smile and positive attitude made it impossible to dislike her. So instead of becoming enemies, the two girls became best friends. Soon they were the two most popular girls in school.

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