The King's Dinner

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  • Dedicated to Shawn Donahoo

"The King has asked of your presence tonight at the ball." Mershada said walking into my dimly lit chambers. "And what do I owe this fine honor of the King's dinner and the visit from an old friend?" I asked hugging her warmly. "The King favors your music and your friendship, Quinn. He does well to invite you to such a high honored dinner. But you mustn't wear that!" she exclaimed, pulling away from my embrace. Walking over to my wardrobe, she pulled out the nicest robe I have and handed it to me. "This will serve you much better" she said smiling. I took it and nodded in thanks. "Of course m'lady" I grinned at the pun of calling her by a title I was no accustomed to. She let out a soft laugh and lit the lamp on my bedside table, illuminating the darker corners of my chambers. "Well, are we going to stand here all night, or will you change so we can go? The King is waiting after all." She asked crossing her arms over her chest casually. I noticed the purple stoned medallion that hung loosely around her neck. She wore a white robe with a silk purple sash around her waist. I slipped the robe over my head and offered her my hand as I took a step towards the door. "Shall we?" I asked. The subtle flicker of the candle made the colors in her eyes stand out, dancing in the shadows, reminding me of the view from my window as a child, watching the sunset over the ocean. The reds, oranges, pinks and purples of the sun's sleeping colors just over the waves.

As we made our was down the corridor, I became more curious of how she acquired her radiant madalian. "It was a gift from my father, before he left to fight in the war against Rome. He said it used to be my mother's before she grew ill. She frowned slightly, showing her faint lines across her fairskinned forehead. We continued down the corridor in silence, until we entered the King's Ballroom. My heart ached for Mershada when she put on a fake smile for the people around her.

It was filled with Kings from other lands, Princes, Bishops, and even Bakers and Harpsmen, all sitting at the King's table. As we nearded the table, one of the King's bakers and my dear friend, came over to me. "Hello, Quinn. Your majesty requests you and your lady sit at his right side for the night." I nodded greatfully. "Thanks you, Linlu." I said leading Mershada over to our seats. I pulled out her chair as she sat down. When I took my seat I began to grow nervous. "The King sat you at his right side, Quinn. You should be proud." she said grinning at me. I took hold of her hand and squeezed it gently in gratitude. She could feel I was nervous and was trying to calm my nerves. And for that I was emensly greatfull.

As the King entered the Ballroom, everyone rose in great respect. "I am greatful to everyone here tonight, for coming. I humbly present our food, made by our finest cheifs. And music played by the most favored musicians in the land. Please sit, enjoy, and feel welcome." he nodded and sat, everyone sitting with him. He turned to me and patted me warmly on the shoulder, "Quinn, thank you for your precense here tonight with such little preperation." "Of course, your majesty." I replied with a smile.

A little after the dinner began, one of the King's most honored nights burst threw the magnificent gated doors with a look of concern on his face. His armor battered and strewn with blood, resembleing a warrior on the battle front. "Luxerious. What is the meaning of this?" the King asked calmly. "King Mark, your majesty. Please forgive my intrusion. Their are warriors from a far land at the gates of the city. You must leave, you must go. They are coming!"


I awoke, gasping for air in my battered cell. The chains binding me to the stone walls pulled me to the hard ground as I jumped up in fear. That same dream, that same nightmare, I always had when even the moon woke from it's sleep. The moon was still high in the dark, starred sky as I looked from my cold cell in the castle. I could hear the wolves outside, wandering the woods in search to quench their hunger. If only I could be free with them. Instead I lay here, imprisoned within these same four stone walls I once thrived within. What had I ever done to deserve such a fate? Why had the fates been so cruel as to leave me here without the woman I loved, alone and bound within these chains.

"He's been here for 11 nights now, with nothing to eat or drink as you commanded, my Lord" I heard from down the corridor of the dungeon. "Fetch him then and bring him to me. He was caught stealing from my chambers. He is subjcect to the fates now." "Yes, Lord Merek. Bind him!" the Soldier yelled to the prison guard. He sprinted over to the cell next to mine and pulled out an old man who looked to be an old age. The guard bound him and pushed him toward the soldier. "Get up old man!" the soldier harshly yelled at the man of age. He wobbled to his feet and was pushed again by the soldier, as he sat their laughing. Kind Merek stood their staring at me. Slowly, he made his way over to my cell door with his hands behind his back, looking at me as if I were a mere swine. His eyes were as a raven's, as black as the night sky with held the stars so highly in the sky. But his eyes would do anything but twinkle with light. His eyes drilled into mine with meaning of what, I do not know. "Bring him" Lord Merek said, still looking as if through me. He turned and followed the old man and the soldier as they hurried up the stairs. I sprang as far as my bindings would allow and I spit at the Lord Merek. He was no Lord to me, nor shall he ever be. He was the swine he presumed me to be.

He quickly spun on his heel and started at me again, his hands still in each other behind his back. As he got to the bars that made my cell wall he grinned and laughed. "You forget, servus, that I still have her. And you will never see her again if you displease me." he chucled again and tosed a purple sash onto the stone floor, just our of my bounded reach. I knew it was Mershada's sash. She had worn it the night of the dinner in the King's Ballroom. It felt like many ages ago. He turned around to follow the soldier and his latest victum of treason. He had her! It gave me a flicker of hope at the mention of her, even from Merek. I will find her, and she will be free from this prison and I will be in time. Servus! I am no slave. His words angered me as I slouched down against the cold, stone wall I now call my home.

The prison guard walked over to my cell and watched me intently. I met his lingering gaze and questioned him. "What do you want from me?" I asked, still enragged from Merek's visit. "I can release you to see her." she said with pity in his eyes. I stood quickly. "You bound me in this hole your self and now you think to free me. For what? My soul being in you debt?" "No." he said calmly. "I just wish to escape this place. Just your heart wishes to do the same, to see her." he motioned to the sash still just out of my reach. He picked it up and tossed it to my feet. I fumbled to pick it up quickly. I smell her sweet fragerance again. To remeber that last night when we were together. Of that night, all I could remember was before the dinner had begun, when she had told me to be proud that I was at the King's right hand. Oh, how I could be so proud now. With her at my hand. If only the Lord Merek hadn't erased my memory with his magicians! I would still be able to hold her in my memories. To feel her gentle touch in my dreams. I felt the pain in heart swell at the thought of looseing her. Never to see her again. Never to hold her. Never to feel her gentle touch.

"Then if you will do so, help me."

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