Here Comes the Sun

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AN: This is almost the last chapter. I think the next one or two will be the finale, sorry it was short. There may be a second if I still have this account when the second movie comes out. (This is the only decent video of this song I could find)

"Credence?" Lucy called into the seemingly empty Second Salem church. She walked up the stairs to be greeted by the sad sight of Mary Lou Barebone hovering over her son, of whom was cowering into a pile on the floor. She had a belt in her hand, very obviously preparing to beat Credence. Lucy looked at the boy for a mere second, his beautiful chocolate eyes now bloodshot and swollen. Though he was shaking, Lucy noticed a glimmer of hope in his eyes as he recognized her. She instinctively pulled her wand out of her boot. She pointed it at the belt, "Accio."
"A witch." Mary Lou hissed as the belt magically flew into Lucy's hand.
"What gave it away? Stupefy." Mary Lou fell over, being charmed out of conciousness after the spell was cast her way. Lucy ran to Credence. "Credence, honey, are you alright? Are you hurt?"
"I-I'm not hurt. Thank you for stopping her. What did you do?" He asked.
"It's a stunning charm, now I think we need to get out of here. You wanna go for a coffee, doll?" He nodded.
When Lucy stared him in the eyes she knew she loved him. Lucy was not someone to stand up for herself, but would kill or be killed for the ones she loves. Lucy loved Credence and she knew at the moment there was no stopping the feelings.


As Credence and Lucy left the coffee shop , Lucy grasped his hand.
"You mean a lot to me, you know. I don't really think I know what love is, but if it feels anything like the books and love songs describe it, I feel it when I'm with you. Credence, you're wonderful." She took a deep breath, "I lov-"
"Lucy!" Newt called from a few yards away. He came closer.
"Hi, Newt." She sighed.
"This must be Credence, pleasure to meet you, Lucy has said great things about you." Newt shook his hand, "I hope you don't mind if I steal her away just now, it's a bit of an emergency."
"Newt, just- just give me a second alone with him." Lucy said, agitated. She turned and directed her focus on Credence. "I'm sorry."
"Don't be. It's not a problem." He gave a small smile. She stood as high as she could on her toes, her lips grazing his until he leaned down and closed the gap between. This kiss was promising, passionate, but short-lived.
"Credence." Lucy said after they broke apart. "I love you." He looked into her eyes, again feeling as though he wanted to drown in them.
"And I love you as well. Thank you for caring."
"Why wouldn't I care?" Newt coughed awkwardly behind her, "Oh." She said sadly.
"Go." Credence told her.

--Major time skip here--

"Lucy, Tina talk to him, he listens to you." Newt said.
"I think Lucy better take this one." Tina nodded toward her.
"Creed, dear, it's me. You don't have to do this." Tears threatened to spill from Lucy's eyes, "You can learn to control this, to use it. There are so many like you. There's people that care about you, that want you safe. I care about you, Creed, I love you." Lucy noticed the black mass regaining composure, the vague form of Credence in the center. She knew singing seemed to calm him most of the time.


"Here comes the sun, here comes the sun
And I say it's all right
Little darling, it's been a long cold lonely winter
Little darling, it feels like years since it's been here
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun
And I say it's all right
Little darling, the smiles returning to the faces
Little darling, it seems like years since it's been here
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun
And I say it's all right
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
Little darling, I feel that ice is slowly melting
Little darling, it seems like years since it's been clear
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun
And I say it's all right
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun
It's all right, it's all right."

"No! Stop!" Newt screamed at MACUSA officials that were firing spells towards Credence. Lucy was too scared to move. She knew that they wouldn't stop. She knew the boy she loved was going to die.
"Please..." She forced a scream out of her throat. She saw Credence's face through the black cloud and stir of spells, she was sobbing​ by now, she hadn't quite noticed that she was until it was too late for her to quit. The black cloud seemingly exploded, meaning Credence was gone. "No..."she whispered. "No." She got louder "NO!"
Lucy turned to the group of officials.
"What have you done..." She was heartbroken. "What have you done!" She screamed. "He was only a boy! He was afraid, he didn't want any of this! He couldn't control it! And you've just killed him! Is this what you wanted? To kill an innocent boy for no good reason? He could have learned. He could have learned! And you took that away from him. He had nothing! He had no-one! He only had me. And I only had him. Now you've taken that away from both of us. Is that what you wanted?! You wanted to break a girl's heart, you wanted to take away the boy she loved? He did not need to die. But look what you've done. You've killed an innocent boy, you took away his chance to learn, you took away the only one who understands him, you broke a girl's heart, you stole the one that she loved. Is this what you wanted?"
"It doesn't matter if you loved him. He was dangerous."
"Dangerous? Had you seen him the day I met him. Crying, afraid of his own mother, afraid of himself, of what he could do, of what he couldn't control, you would not think him dangerous. He was a boy, an innocent, broken, boy. He was not dangerous."

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