If I Fell

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    Lucy was awoken by Credence's whimpering and small cries. She took a moment to recall why she was here and when it was. She looked down to the boy in her arms. He was held tight against her, still asleep. She shook him a bit.
   "Credence, Credence wake up." He wouldn't wake up, as hard as she tried. "Creed it's just a nightmare, c'mon sweetie, wake up." He woke up eventually but the crying didn't stop.
   "I can't... I can't..." He whimpered, "I can't... Help me..." Her heart sunk at the two final words and his sobs became more violent.
   "Credence, Credence. Look at me," he looked her in her eyes, wanting to drown in the oceanic colour of them. He fell into the touch of her hand on his face, "do you want to talk about it?" He shook his head, "That's alright. How about we go out, get some fresh air. That always helps me after a nightmare." He nodded and she smiled sweetly.
   "Lucy?" He said weakly.
   "Yes, love?" She stood up and helped him up as well.
   "Why are you being so kind to me?" Her heart broke at those words.
   "Because everyone deserves kindness. And you're a bit of a broken soul, I can tell. But I'll help you. I promise." She said sincerely. It took a minute for Credence to process what she said, nobody had ever been kind to him, not this way, not so truthfully. By the time he processed it they were outside, walking the streets.
   "Thank you it- it means a lot."
   "You're welcome. I do like you, ya know. You're a good person. I can tell." She smiled up at him.
   "Tell me about where you're from." He said, honestly interested.
   "If I told you everything you'd have to keep a few secrets." She took his hand in hers gently and slowly, she noticed how it shook so violently, but he seemed to calm down with her hand in his.
   "Of- of course, Lucy." He liked her name. It made him think good things, she made him think good things.
   "Good. Now, I know you aren't like your mother, so, I can tell you this. I'm a witch." She paused, he didn't know how he felt about that. He didn't know if he felt bad that he had to be apart of an organisation against magic folk, or if he was somewhat relieved because of his, shall we say, circumstances.
  "Okay." He said simply. She held his hand tighter.
   "I'm from the 70's." He was taken aback by this.
   "Like... The 1870's?" His eyebrows furrowed.
   "No, dear, the 1970's. Remember when I said that the song I was singing wasn't a song yet?" She asked, looking into his beautiful eyes that didn't look back. "It was written in 1968."
   "How did you get here? To this time?"
   "By a big, magical, mistake." He nodded. "And to answer your original question, it's not that great where I'm from. There's a wizarding war going on, it had just started when I... left, and there's a  huge war in Vietnam, it's been going on for ages, my brother, Maxwell, he was drafted into that war. Max tried everything to get out of that draft. He ate cotton balls, it shows up as some kind of shadow on an x-ray, he tried to convince them he was gay, he even ate a bunch of beets before the physical it apparently looks like blood when ya piss." they both laughed a bit,  Lucy loved his smile, as rare as it was. "You should smile more. It suits you."
   "I think that as long as I'm with you I'll smile. You make me happy."
   "Well then, I'll try to stick around." She smiled, her grip on his hand tightening.
   "Tell me more about you. Your life." He was the one to look into her eyes this time, but they didn't look back. He almost didn't want them to. He just wanted to admire her light blue irises forever.
   "We've talked a whole lot about me. What about you?"
   "I've not got much of a past. It's always been the same for me. I want to hear about you."
   "Well, I come from a family of nine, I know, it's crazy, all of us, including my parents had names from songs. All by The Beatles. Me from Lucy and the Sky with Diamonds. My parents believed deeply in destinies, they said that their names, Martha and Jude, since they were both from Beatles' songs, that it was just another sign that they were destined for each other. Nobody could say otherwise, I've never seen two people more in love than those two were. I had seven siblings, from oldest to youngest there was, Maxwell, Prudence, she was also a witch, Me, Rita, Jessie and Anna, who are twins, and Jude the second. Little Jude was gonna be named Teddy, but my father died three months into my mum's pregnancy. We all decided he should be named after dad. He looks a lot like my dad, reminds everyone of him. My mum died of dragonpox when Judie was a baby, leaving Maxwell and Prudence to look after us. They were the only ones old enough at the time. We couldn't pay for the kids to go to school, so we taught them on our own, and little Judie ended up being a wizard as well. You see, our parents were muggles, non-magic folk, but we had magic in our genes somewhere, it just usually doesn't show up in two, more so three of muggle-born children. Prudence and I taught him what we knew. The year after they died we took the money in their will and moved here, to New York. All of us were activists, we fought for a cause. We were out on a protest one day, it was me, Pru, Max, and Rita, we let the twins watch Judie. Well, someone who wasn't a part of the groups was let in by mistake, and he dropped a bomb. Rita was in the wrong place at the wrong time, she was one of hundreds to die. A few years went on and now I'm here."
   "Wow. I'm sorry that all happened, but it'll be okay. You- you're helping me. I'll help you." She smiled. She let go of his hand and stopped walking. He stopped with her. She looked into his eyes, this time they looked back, and for a long time. She put her hand on his face, it had become a bit of a habit now. She got on her toes and kissed his quivering lips lightly. He didn't know how to, bit he kissed back.
   "We best get you home, love." She smiled sweetly at him, and he smiled back. God, did she love that smile. "Creed, if I use magic, you won't tell anyone, will you?" She asked.
   "Of course not." She took his hand, pulled out her wand from her boot and mumbled a spell, healing his hands and face. He smiled and kissed her forehead.
   "You're a good person, Lucy."
   "As are you, Credence. Now let's get you home." She grabbed his hand and disapperated.

   Upon entering the house, Lucy stopped the boy.
   "Credence, take this." She handed him one of her bracelets that was around her wrist. "If you ever need me, at all, hold the charm tight in your hand, I'll know and I'll come help you. I promise." She took a step closer to him and kissed his cheek. She hugged him for a long moment. "Goodbye, Credence."
"Goodbye, Lucy."
   Lucy watched as Credence's posture stiffened when he walked through the door. He looked back for a moment, and she smiled.
   When Lucy had told Creed the story of her life she made sure to leave out the part about her abusive ex-girlfriend, she thought her life was enough of a sob-story. As Lucy walked away to find somewhere to stay she sang with heart.
    "If I fell in love with you 
Would you promise to be true 
And help me understand 
'Cause I've been in love before 
And I found that love was more 
Than just holding hands
If I give my heart to you 
I must be sure 
From the very start 
That you would love me more than her
If I trust in you oh please 
Don't run and hide 
If I love you too oh please 
Don't hurt my pride like her
'Cause I couldn't stand the pain 
And I would be sad if our new love was in vain
So I hope you see that I 
Would love to love you 
And that she will cry 
When she learns we are two 
If I fell in love with you"

AN: sorry if this chapter sucked, and I'm not sure if that song fit completely, but I tried. I think if you just imagine "her" in the song as the ex it makes more sense in the circumstance, because I'm pretty sure that was how it was meant in the original song by the Beatles.

Lucy { COMPLETED }Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang