Dear Prudence/Credence

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"Credence?" Lucy called. He was in an alleyway in the dark, pouring rain.
"Lucy... Lucy... Lucy..." He cried her name. She stepped closer.
"I won't hurt you. I'm going to come over there, alright?" He sobbed harder and shook his head. Lucy stayed where she was. She didn't know what else to do, so she sang, changing the lyrics a slight bit..
"Dear Credence, won't you come out to play
Dear Credence, greet the brand new day
The sun is up, the sky is blue
It's beautiful and so are you
Dear Credence won't you come out and play

Dear Credence open up your eyes
Dear Credence see the sunny skies
The wind is low the birds will sing
that you are part of everything
Dear Credence won't you open up your eyes?

Look around round
Look around round round
Look around

Dear Credence let me see you smile
Dear Credence like a little child
The clouds will be a daisy chain
So let me see you smile again
Dear Credence won't you let me see you smile?" He stared at her, wondering how one person could hold the grace, the care, the beauty, of thousands. She slowly walked over to him as he cried.

   He was curled up, sobbing harder than before. Lucy hardly thought that could be possible. She slowly walked to the quivering boy, sitting next to him. Her hands reached up and ran through his ebony hair, and his head instinctively found her shoulder.
"Can you tell me what happened?" She asked him. He nodded, she was surprised.
"I messed up. Ma did this. She hits us when we mess up." He explained it shortly. Lucy pulled him off her, but held his face in her hands so he knew she was still there. His face was bruised yet again, no blood this time, however.
"I'll never understand what causes people to hurt the ones they love. Or say they love." Lucy's eyes filled with tears, memories of her ex-girlfriend filling her mind, all the terrible things she did to Lucy.
"Lucy, why are you crying?" He asked.
"You don't deserve this. I know what it feels like, if that's any comfort. I had a nasty ex. She had alcohol problems, there's not a day that went by that I didn't get a new scar. Look." Lucy pulled up the side of her shirt, scars like flames down her side and back. Credence ran his fingers down them hesitantly. "You aren't alone on this." Credence held her face this time, absorbing every inch of it, never wanting to forget it.
   "I-I have to go." He looked down.
   "Alright. Are-are you going to be okay?" He savoured another moment of melting into her eyes.
   "The song you were named after, it- it fits. Your eyes look like a sky of diamonds." Lucy was taken aback by the confidence that had grown in the boy. She smiled and shyly looked down.
   "Thank you, Creed. You're name means kind of acceptance of something, or belief that it's true. It's unique, it's beautiful. You," she paused, thinking if she was really about to say what she was thinking, "you're a beautiful person. Inside and out. I almost dont want to leave this time because of you." The two were sitting back against the wall, Lucy's head found it's way to Credence's shoulder.
   "Have you ever been in love?" Lucy didn't know how to respond. Has she? Did she love Natalie? She was her only ex, after all.
   "I don't think I know what love is, honestly." She sat up, and looked at his face. "Not yet at least, but I will eventually. I think soon." She kissed his cheek and stood up. "I need to get going, you can tag along if you'd like." She helped him up  and they left their hands together, she interlocked their fingers. He shook his head.
   "Ma told us we had to go somewhere with her. I wish I could go with you."
   "It'll be okay. I'm just a finger snap away." She drew  circles on the back of his hand with her thumb.
   "I know." They were almost turning the corner to the Second Salem house when Lucy stopped them.
   "You never answered my question, you know? Will you be alright?"
   '"I- I think I will. Now that you're here. Thank you, Lucy, for- for everything you've done. Thank you- thank you for caring." She smiled and pulled him into a tight hug.
   "You're amazing. Wondrous, even. Credence, I want you to be safe. I- I'm starting to know what love is, because of you." He smiled a small bit, and his smile made her fall further in love each time she saw it.
   "I'll- I'll see you soon, Lucy."
   "I'll see you soon, Credence." She watched as he walked away, he paused a moment when he got to the door and turned around. He walked back to Lucy. "Is everything alright, dear?"
   Credence hesitantly was going in for a kiss. He stopped a moment, wondering if he should turn around and pretend it never happened. He held Lucy's face as if it were the most precious thing in the world, like if he were to touch her even with the slightest bit of force she may fall apart. Lucy stepped onto her tiptoes, their lips crashing together. She noticed his lips weren't quivering as terribly and his hands had stopped shaking altogether.
   "You make me happy, Lucy." And with that final word, he departed, leaving Lucy dazed, and further in love.

AN: THIS IS LATE, SHORT AND TERRIBLE, IM SORRY I TRIED AT LEAST A LITTLE (Ill go through and fix mistakes later)

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