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his name is vikk.

vikk, the raven-haired and the chocolate-skinned.

vikk, the gray beanies and the black-rimmed glasses.

vikk, the head in a book and the thoughts in the clouds.

you'd find him sitting in the library in the winter, his hands around a cup of hot chocolate. he'd be laughing, his shoulders shaking as he chuckled and his grin staying even after he had stopped. he's shy, but once you start to talk to him, you'd find his smiles genuine and the light in his eyes pure.

if you couldn't find him in the library, you'd find him in school, hurriedly writing down notes and sketching little symbols on his notebook. his binder would be covered in post-it notes and tabs, but it'd still look just as neat and tidy as before. at lunch, he'd be wearing one of his slightly oversized sweaters, eating from a packed lunch instead of a bought one. and sometimes, rarely, you'd find him without his glasses, smile lines under his coffee-brown eyes and a hand covering his mouth.

it isn't hard for anybody to fall in love with him, even in the most platonic way. his heart is filled with gold and his smiles can light up an entire city.

yet he knows he can't fall back. he's too scared to. his feelings would somehow manage to fade away from him, and his past likings would turn to nothing. he knows this, because he's experienced it.

looking at him, you wouldn't expect to see a heartbreaker. and looking at himself, he wouldn't either.

vikk, the burdened heart and the worn-out lies.

vikk, the silent tears and the hopeless murmurs.

vikk, the boy who fell out of love too easily.

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