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I couldn't believe Louis was actually there. He disappeared for three days after practically kidnapping me and then he just "showed up"? No, not likely!

Seething anger coursed through my blood and I reached down and grabbed Liam's hand, hoping to recieve at least a little confort from the feeling. The motion didn't go unnoticed though, and Louis's eyes raked down our arms until they reached our entwined fingers.

"Oh, I see I'm interrupting something here. Don't mind me, I'm just going to retire to my room for the night. When you guys decide to come on up please try and keep the noise level down."

Louis sent a cheeky wink in both mine and Liam's direction and instantly panic filled my system as a blush rose to my cheeks. I didn't know why but for some reason the idea of Louis thinking I was with someone else romantically clinched in my stomach.

I instantly dropped Liam's hand in an almost harsh movement and slipped out of the elevator.

"Cheyanna, what are you do-" Liam started but was cut off as the lift door closed on him.

"You have one chance to explain yourself, make the most of it! If you try anything then I will personally go and tell Liam, Paul, the rest of the boys, and the paps everything that has happened!"

I stepped closer and closer to the British native with each word I spoke. By the time that I had finished my steaming threat I was practically nose to nose with the lad, his warm breath mixing with mine and tingled my lips.

"Okay, anything else babe?" he asked with a cocky smirk before kissing me lightly on the corner of my mouth and turning on his heels, not even giving me a chance to reply.

I stumbled across the hotel lobby after him. My mind was in a frenzied state and using the adrenaline my anger provided I grabbed his arm roughly and jerked him around.

"Just one more thing, you play by my rules or you lose. Get it jackass?"

His momentary shock quickly molded back into his earlier facade of cockiness and he smirked once more.

"Oh I get it babe, now how bout we go get some dinner?"

"No! Absolutely not, you have too much explaining to do!"

I was furious by this point. He had some major explaining to do and yet he expected me to just skip along on some dinner date? No, hell no!

"If you want answers then you'll join me."

"I thought we we're playing by my rules?"

"I've never been one to follow the rules."

His infamous smirk grew even larger and the final thought I had before following him was 'how is this the same guy from the concert?'


After following Louis down an impossibly long and narrow hallway it finally opened up and I gasped at the scene in front of me. The hallway ended in an almost cavern-like room. The walls curved up to a cathedral ceiling and dark tented windows let in a purplish light.

Directly in front of us was a small podium with the words "please wait to be seated" scribed into a small plaque. Beyond that were multiple tables and booths,  each with a dim-lit chandelier hanging above it. This place was FAR to fancy to have a casual conversation in.

"Ummmmm Louis," I started cautiously. "I don't exactly think this environment is appropriate. "

Louis turned to me and instead of having the smirk I expected he let a sweet smile grace his full lips.

"Trust me okay?" The way he asked the question rolled of his tongue in an alluring fashion and for the first time since we had met I didn't want to tear his throat out.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2014 ⏰

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