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The school day passed in a blur and before I knew it Brooke and I were scurrying towards the parking lot.

"Oh come on Chey, you have to dress cute. They won't even notice you if you don't."

Brooke had decided to lash out at me since I told her I really didn't want to wear anything special to the concert.

"Please Chey, please please please!" Brooke's nagging voice pulsed in my head and finally I let out a breath.

"Fine, but I swear, I will not dress like some skanky 12 year old trying too desperately to get their attention. Got it?"

"Eep ohmygosh, yes yes yes I promise," Brooke sang and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Alright, well then lets go!" I said as we headed towards my house.


"Oh my goodness, how long has it been since you've even been to a concert?" Brook's muffled voice sounded from the end of my bed as she searched through my closet.

"Eerm like never."

Brook shot a look at me and smirked, "obviously."

"Okay, well you have nothing so lets go to mine and I'll find something for you to wear."

"Really Brooke it's fine. I'll just wear a pair of cutoffs and a t-shirt," I protested.

"Huh, yeah right! No friend of mine is meeting the hottest guys on the planet wearing something like that!"

I groaned, "fine, whatever, lets go."

I stood and picked up my over night bag. Throwing it over my shoulder, I made my way to the door with Brooke following close behind.


"I am not wearing this!" I screamed at Brooke, looking at myself again.

"Oh why not? You look hot!"

"I look like I'm trying way to hard to get laid!" I fumed. I knew it was a mistake letting Brooke pick out what I was going to wear!

"Well it's too late to change now, we are leaving in 30 minutes. Seriously Cheyanna you look great. Just take a minute and truely look!"

I turned around and looked at myself once more. She was right, I did look good but was it really needed for me to dress so provocatively?

I was wearing a form fitting black tee that had 1D written on the front in white, on bottom I had a pair of way too revealing white booty shorts that showed off my long legs. My shoes were low-top converse with the British flag printed on them.

My long blonde hair was slightly curled and my make-up was more defined than my everyday look.

"Are you sure I don't look too made up?" I asked, and glanced down at my shoes, scuffing them against her carpet.

Brooke walked up and put her hands on my shoulders."You look amazing, or should I say amazayn?"

I laughed and pulled her into an embrace. "Thanks Brooke."

"It's nothing," she said brushing off my compliment. "Now come on, we don't want to be late."

She grabbed my hand and pulled me out of her room and downstairs. We grabbed our keys, wallets, and phones and headed to her car.

The whole trip we blasted the radio and sang along to every lyric that we knew. By the time we made it to the venue we were laughing so hard that we couldn't breath and then the sound hit us.

Loud screams came from our right and as we snapped our heads to the sound of high pitched shrills we saw a crowd of hundreds of girls waiting to be let in.

Brooke grabbed my hand and squeezed. "Ohmygod lets go!"

She jumped from the car and I followed suit. By the time we made it to the giant crowd the doors had opened and we filed in.  

Once inside we found our seats close to the stage and listened as the noise in the stadium rose a few decibels. Just as I thought it couldn't get any louder a think accent sounded.

"Are you guys ready to rock?"

Trap doors opened below the stage and as the members of One Direction appeared the noise level went from loud to deafening.

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