Wednesday, Dec, 20, 2000

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The voice was the Secretary's. She was asking Sukki to come to the office. Her teach told her to go ahead and take a hall pass. Sukki walked to the office and she seen a "dark" boy. He wore all black. His hair had some red and black. He looked like he wanted to kill someone. Sukki thought as she seen him, he is cute but who is he. As she walked into the office the boy looked at her. He didn't stop looking. He didn't have any purpose for looking at the teachers when they spoke to him. They told him that her name was Sukki Hanatuaku. They also said that she would show him around until he got familiar with the school. The boy showed her his first period class. She was close and she didn't mean to be. He had the same classes as her, and so did Junaku and the other boy. They even had band. They were in percussion. Sukki was confused. But she took him to her class. Today it was her job to announce them. As they walked down the hall to their class, she asked him what his name was. He said his name was Sutake Qunata. He was truly nice to her. Today, Sukki also had to announce the other new boy. They got to the classroom. She addressed the other new boy to stand up. And she told Junaku to stand up. All three of the boys walked up and stood by her. First she pointed at Junaku. "This is Junaku Hane. He is one of the newest percussionists." Then she looked at the other boy she didn't know. She asked him his name before she started talking. He said his name was Ayito Kumasi. Then she told them his name. "His name is Ayito Kumasi. He is another new percussionist." Then she looked at Satake. "His name is Satake Qunata. He is another new percussionist. He will be a good friend to anyone." He muttered something after that, his voice was hollow sounding. "That is if they will live......" Junaku and Ayito heard it too. They were the only ones to here it. They also sat down. Satake sat beside Ayito. They looked like brothers. All three of them did.......

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